So far, ate (a big double cheeseburger with extra cheese, with a bottle of cherry coke, nice and cold too to wash it down with), played videogames (jagged alliance 2 campaign I have going atm) took meds and watched american dad and family guy. After this horror movie, I'm going to for the first time in way too long, get into the lab and start my much missed tinkering. I bet it'll be one of those bouncy, near manic WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!! YAYYAYAYAYAYAYOHMYGODSITSGOODTOSEEYOUAGAINMMMYYYYYPRREEECIIOOUUSSSS!!!!!!! *glottal stop of a nasty, wet, grisly kind of sound* lab sessions like when I'm nearing success and finally obtain it with a project. Being glad to be back with my lab, like an old friend reunion, with my flasks in hand, beakers in the other, setting up vacuum lines and coolant feeds and hotplate/magnetic stirrers being calibrated and set up. Oh yes, I have plans plans plans plans PLANS. It'll be like a baker's shop with its delicious scents..sweet, heavy, heady smelling chloroform, the harsher but lovely scent of diethyl ether, the familiar odor of acetone and isopropanol, mixed with the acidic tang of hydrogen chloride gas, the sharp, choking stink of ammonia gas, the burning-matches odor of sulfur dioxide, and the harsh caustic choking sensation of chlorine gas....oh me oh my. My old friends will be getting a revisit and we shall have ourselves a good long conversation or three or four or five. This must be a night magic must be worked in the arts alchymical, and with all my familiar friends or at least many of them hanging around to chill, so to speak (and sometimes literally)
Really, thats what it'll be like, like having old dear friends here to visit that I haven't seen in a long time. Even the shine on my glassware as its set up, the smooth, cool texture and sensation of taking out glassware from its various storage crates and shelves and solid polyurethane foam boxes, styrofoam packing boxes, bubble-wrap to be unwrapped and the precious condensers within being taken out to shine forth in the reflected light of a good, old fashioned incandescent lightbulb once again against the backdrop of night, perfect time and scene and setting for a glorious, gleeful reunion