I suggest a solution to your arduino problem renster....
And without knowing or even having to look at the circuit diagram.
Just relabel the buttons. That way your pressing the right one. Job done problem solved.
As for me...
Reading some really REALLY interesting stuff about a mixed nickel (II),(III) oxide-hydroxide, created by oxidation of a nickel(II) species using nothing more difficult to obtain or expensive than sodium hypochlorite, this is what is the active ingredient of household bleach, although that also has some sodium hydroxide (caustic soda, lye) in it, I do however happen to have a 5-gallon drum full of 13-14% NaOCl solution without anything other than sodium hypochlorite and H2O in it. Chiefly used for making chloroform but, even years after obtaining the drum of NaOCl soln. (free, too I might add, got lucky and found it, on one of those nights where you just cannot get to sleep, despite hours and hours of tossing and turning (don't you just HATE those!!???!!), so I decided to take a walk, with no aim whatsoever, simply to walk, and walk and walk in order to kill time and do SOMETHING rather than go stir crazy staring at the ceiling, so pop sufficient of the most rapid acting of the three opioid options I have (that is, the three prescribed ones, rather than OTC or OLC [OLC-over Lestat's counter:autism:], the oxycodone, to ensure that I could walk, especially in the rather cold night of that particular time when the drum of NaOCl solution was found, and after generically meandering about, and accidentally falling into a river, getting piss wet through, absolutely soaked, thankfully I didn't bring my mobile phone since I wasn'ae expecting any calls at about half 4 to 5 in the morning particularly, and staggering back, in the freezing winter cold, soaked from head to toe, I cut through an abandoned business park, buildings all burnt out et cetera, and what did I find? a security alarm system powered by some lithium-thionyl chloride batteries, a type of battery that, surprisingly, relies on lithium and SOCl2, long life, low self discharge rate, used for things like nautical buoys, and security systems that need not to require regular replacement of batteries. These aren't the kind of battery one finds in sainsbury's, or tesco, but can be bought on ebay if desired. Not a hardware store straight-to-consumer battery, but available easily enough for those who actually want some enough to look online, you just can't walk in and get them. This was before I had my own internet connection perhaps, or if not then when I had to drop off the face of the earth and all here thought me dead or nicked or something of the like. Quite a find, for both the Li, and the thionyl chloride which at the time I could not buy, very, very valuable indeed to me then, although needed distilling to purify it from the oxide flakes and other such crap within the batteries, the liquid was brownish, it shouldn't be and if pure, SOCl2 isn't. But a VERY valuable find, big fat powerful battery cells, and pocket-fulls of them too. The security system was dead as a doornail, connected to nowt but a burnt out shell of a building so I ripped it to pieces and recovered the Li-SOCl2 cells from within, and on my way back, shivering, sodden and swearing both fluently and very, very profusely:P, cursing like a sailor courtesy of my impromptu bath, took the shortest route home because i was cold, wet and miserable, in the freezing winter, involved my climbing a few chain-link fences, scrabbling over a wall or two, then finding first the batteries, and then on the way home still, I found a big black drum of something or other, checked out what it was, and it was the conc. NaOCl without NaOH in it. A big, thick-walled and very very heavy fucker, totally full, I don't know if it had ever even been opened, much less used. So, batteries in wrung-out pocket, as dry as possible and wrapped in as much detritus as possible to keep them from shorting and discharging, I JUST about managed to, after squatting, roll the thing over to one side, and tip it over to one shoulder, then using both hands, haul it onto my back, and stagger home, piecemeal, bit by bit by slow, aching, sore, agonizing, swear-word-breeding bit, having to stop every few minutes and over the course of probably several hours, heave the drum of hypochlorite home on my shoulders, back bent over at the waist, hunched over and using every femtogram I possessed to get it from the burnt out business park thingy-place back to my place. No idea to this day how I managed that. Its really heavy, if I want to move it even now after using some I have to not pick up and carry, but lug it to where I want it by dragging, for it does have one handle at the top.
And thats me dry and comfortable, at least, comfy bar having to lug god only knows how many kilos of NaOCl solution and its containing drum to its destination point and back. It takes much of my strength to lift it off the ground and a great deal of effort, just to get it an inch or two off the ground. And the strain of getting it miles back from what evidently used to be a factory plant of some description was nothing short of a monumental effort and expenditure of sheer brute force and an iron will, with not a small proportion of covetousness stirred in. Shit knows what the 5-0 would have thought/said (aside of course from 'donutssssssss' and 'eeiirrriiiikkkhhhoooiinkoinkoinksnkkorrkoinksnuffle snuffle oink oink' that is) had any of the filth spotted me, half naked (I'd stripped my sopping wet shirt off because it was only serving to make me colder still, because it was the middle of the night, into early morning, and the middle of winter too), soaking wet, mucky from the inadvertent bath, with a pocket full of odd battery cells containing pressure-release pins that if pulled caused the release of corrosive, violently water-reactive, fuming liquid that gives off copious quantities of hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid gas) and sulfur dioxide, whilst straining, grunting and swearing like a sailor with his nadgers b eing crushed slowly in a vice, and struggling under the crushing weight of the chemical drum that I was lugging slowly, labouriously and painfully, balanced on my shoulders, nekkid from the waist up, but for a leather coat.
Somehow I think they probably would never so much have seen the like in their entire little piggeh career before, and wouldn't know quite what to make of that haha:P
Still, miles of that or no miles of it, I DID manage to get it home, autie mindset of not taking 'no, you cannot manage it, you'll never be able to do that' for an answer methinks probably helped me somewhat, to steel my determination and will of iron. I came, I saw, I coveted and I bloody the fucking aching like a bastard well sodding conquered and then dumped it in the garden, stripped naked in the middle of winter and sluiced myself off of all the muck and leaf litter from the nasty little canal tributary, which was about a little less than shoulder deep, then went inside to towel myself dry, skin a rollup, light the oven, turned on to maximum heat and then stand over it, to warm myself back up again, basking in the glorious fiery warmth, which was, since I was already frigid cold,making me tingle deliciously all over. sort of felt like when your blood flow returns after accidentally laying on an arm or leg in an awkward position, but this time pleasant, REALLY enjoying my smoke, and gleefully congratulating myself and going 'covet covet covet covet and covet damned well covetously coveting some more' over my pockets full of those large industrial sized battery cells packed with not only one but TWO intensely precious chemicals, and eying up that drum full of concentrated hypochlorite solution WITHOUT the caustic in it like household bleach does and therefore suitable for use as a reagent in my lab for doing things other than solely making chloroform, presumably grinning from ear to ear as I popped some more painkillers to soothe the aching, sore, knotted up muscles as I stretched and popped my joints whilst thoroughly enjoying my hot cooker, and generally beíng very pleased with myself for managing to succeed in the completion of the task that I had set myself and regardless of the various shit that set itself in my path against me, I did anyway.
Going to be doing some hypo*-hauling later tonight to experiment with this too.