I saved a tiny kittten from sure death.
I went out to hug my daughter before the bus came, I had yelled at her to be on time. She ran three minutes late getting out the door/ I was livid, but I needed to make her know that everything will work itself out. I failed. The bus had gone. She barely made it.
While standing there, enjoying the sky, through too many clouds to count an hour before dawn, I heard something on the ground a few houses down. I thought it was a bird, but as I approached, I realized I was hearing the desperate cry of a mammalian infant. Fully prepared to stomp an infantile raccoon or opossum to death (these are pests in our neighborhood - I have shot five of them this year alone) it turned out to be a tiny kitten.
She barely has her eyes open, just yet and is definitely hungry. fed her with a rag that I could drip milk into. I have no way on hand to feed an unweened kitten, but I got her to sleep with a full belly of people food. My wife will mot only be pissed that I brought another animal into the house, but I used the last of her Half And Half that shwe puts in her coffee. I am treading rough waters, here, but I could not allow the tiny (fits in my palm) abandoned kitten to just wander into the street and be run over by a car.
Right now she safe and sleeping next to me.
Now, my older cat is pissed at me and shows me so.
Anyway, not sure where this will end up, especially after my wife discovers that I fed this tiny angel the last of her coffee creamer, but we now have a new baby in the house.