Today, tried to nap.
Yesterday, we had service men into our house. They called out to us when they were moving inside the house to let us know that it was time for us all to mask up again.
Most of the BIG heavy work was done by a two man crew tiptoeing outside somewhere. I hardly heard anything stir. The very delicate and close quarter work for the installers making preparations indoors and beneath the house required Sawallz (big powerful reciprocating saw brand name I can not spell), drills, hammers, welding torches, peeeuuwie glue, staple guns, powered nail drivers, and it seemed to go on and on and on from the pets' view,
But to be clear from the human perspective, it was really closer to a Navy Seal Ninja Mutant Flash thing happening.
We did agree to follow their policies, so we had to keep our distance, mask on, hence the shouting every time some new area was approached all while they were not only masked, but gloved as well.
They changed all our ducting and the outdoor parts, even down to rewiring everything, replacing the set of electrical breakers that go to the unit, sealing all the "holes" to the outside they made with a Poly Urinate Concreation or something, which stinks horribly to me and I was wearing a "real" mask when I first saw the gooo, but it makes mortar-like repairs to foundations in ten minutes and "lasts forever" (worrisome thought).
They were in and out in just over six hours.
The rest of the day was spent "consoling everyone and everything" I tried to do the same for myself by reading all the manuals.
As I said before, Big Day. Had to be done, expected upheaval, I just did not foresee the full toll.
A good day overall, though. We have taken another step into the Twenty First and a Half Century!