If you honestly think that using political views as an excuse to being a bum means you're superior to others, then frankly I do find you to be a retard. You could at least protest or something outside parliament, at least you'd be doing something slightly less useless.
This is common with a lot of political people, high rate of armchair activism and general laziness. This is especially true for people who call themselves anarchists. An example would be a friend my mother knows for a long time, has very similar political views to you yet is ALSO a lazy armchair activist who contradicts herself by happily getting the dole. Even other political people called her out on it (the ones who actually do shit).
That said, I DO love laziness myself but I don't make excuses for it. I also get benefits from the government for being a spazz. However, because I'm doing both I simply cannot call myself political. Why? I believe there's no point doing it if you're going to make a tremendous hypocrite of yourself.