About to go to an Individual Learning Program meeting for my boy at college, with my ex-wife.
Here is the picture. He has been at college a few weeks and obviously it is a new environment and they are still trying to correct the fuckup they did with the timetabling and subjects.
Now the Executive Teaching Support person has organised for the teachers to come and meet us in this meeting and been instructed to "put in their two cents worth". One of them has already replied with a whine about my boy and how they could not accommodate him and so on.
So we see exactly where this is going to go. Now here is the question.
"Do you think I will happily stand there and have them whinge about him acting like a person with Autism and not being able to be non-Autistic in their class? Or do you think I will be more than a little keen to remind them that they are fucking teachers and paid to teach their kids shit and my kid is one of the kids in their class so not to whinge at me about it being hard for them that he is Autistic because it is nowhere near as hard for them as it is for him being Autistic for him.
Yeah this meeting is going to be an interesting one. I am not feeling very positive
Have been to very similar meetings about my own boy, and he is only 5 yrs old so i reckon i got a few years to go. I said "of course teaching styles vary and it's a shame that he had to move out of Miss Sockett's class, because he really enjoyed her lessons. All he says now is "it's boring" so just let them know where the 'fails' are coming from.
You could always be real sarcastic and suggest they go on a course 
Been to a few of those as well. Good luck, mate. I know you'll do a good job speaking up for your kid.
I don't think they like me.
We (my ex and I) fell into our good cop bad cop routine.
It has been reasonably effective in the past and I think has been this time. It goes something like this.
I let her field most of the questions and whatever at the beginning. She is prickly, confrontation and abrasive whereas I am quiet, calm and whilst supportive of her, in a more feeling type of what "Yes when I heard about x I felt hurt by the accusation"
Gradually they will start directing their efforts to me. I will wait for an opening and then change tact to becoming an arsehole and rip into them.
They put their efforts back to her and try to reconcile by offering to do all kinds of things to sort problems and give apologies.
We both tell them in no uncertain term that we will hold them to it. We do too.
He did so well in his last school but this was similar to the bullshit he got in high school at first until we sorted shit out there.
The Deputy Head said i was menacing. What a wimp.