Not bad now my oxy has kicked in, my leg and hip were killing me before.
That ice cream was delicious. And I know there is another tub in the freezer. Not the same stuff, not sure what it is...but bound to be tasty. My old man only recently started buying different flavours...I was totally bored with the chocolate ripple type stuff he ALWAYS got. I eventually said something, he complained, like he was too set in his ways, but now he has started getting different ones FINALLY.
And its a good thing couldbe my dear, that you have no experience of really bad sickness or pain

Time for me to go see what that icecream is.
Mmm....not bad. It was a caramel ripple/caramel nugget one. Doesn't compare to that cherry one though; that was one of the nicest icecreams I have ever had. I think I am going to have to see what sorbets they do when I next go shopping. Not had any in age. And I LOVE sorbets.