I was going to posst about my son's piano recital, but I will save thaat until I can beam like a proper proud father.
I read it as "piano rectal" and briefly wondered what that was about.
Not too briefly, I hope; it is an hilarious diversion from the norm.
But, anyway, it really was a kind of nightmare.
I know my son is just learning, but I have heard him practice and he is not bad (these days). This recital (piano rectal) was about twenty kids on stage all making different wronng notes at differennt times, as far as I could tell.
I would love to say that my son soared above the others, but I honestly could not telll who was missing what notes or who was disrupting the musical meter, etc.
It was thirty minutes of sheer torture.

We stopped for fast food after and my son gave me HIS personal version of a recital, one on one or two, since his sister was still in attendance. He is not bad at all.
However, putting twenty kids on one stage who, individually are "not bad at all," as a way of enticing the parents to continue the program, probably needs to be RE-THUNK at some point.