Just went from a steadily brewing, simmering, steaming cauldron of some truly venomous anger yesterday (got busted, had a seizure; a full fucking blown tonic-clonic as well, got busted by some pig that I yacked my insides up all over in the not too distant past; doubtless that greasy, trotter-footed sack of ordure so low as to be fouler still than week-old, semidecayed dog shite, scraped from the shoes of a muslim paedophile was getting revenge for the face/front-full of violently ejected stomach contents. Lost nearly a half O of synthetic bud, which I am trying to force them to lab test in order to demand its return, and about a gram of ching. Would have lost another gram and just short of a gram of the benzofuran analog of MDE, N-ethyl-5-APB had I not just finished the ching and 5-EAPB.
Wanker took the remaining shit, found a rig I'd forgotten about in my coat.
and then started searching and harassing me further, took the new needles I'd only just got from the exchange in town.
Really wasn't my day. Got home stiff aching and sore as a gerbil with a banger up its anal passageway, legs fucking killing me and my hip complaining like nobody's sodding business.
But on the way home, picked up another 8 th of the genuine article to smoke. Only to GET home and figure I wanted a toke. Went to get some out and found I'd gone and totally lost it (I mean the greens, or so I thought. So shut it

Just went to pick up a pouch of bacyy and found I'd not seen in months for some reason, used a finger to hook it out from beneath the bed, and what came out but a nice tasty sack of ganj

Fucking sweet.
Thought I'd ever see that 8th again.