Posts, cbc? There aren't any. My bed is simply a one-piece, low profile flat frame stuck on casters, with a couple of drawers in one side.
Anyhow, I only sleep comfortably when I'm flat out. Not to mention that I wouldn't really want to balance the bed on anything if it stood any chance at all of it slipping out from underneath, such as if; for instance, I had to move it. The drawers are full of glassware a lot of the time, I'm running out of places to keep it all.
Flooding wise, we are pretty lucky right where my house is, compared to a lot of the rest of the area, whilst cheshire county area is in general very flat, a playing field not that far away acts as a sink due to its comparatively much lower elevation than where I am, as well as a nearby shallow brook/stream that could I imagine, mop up a fair bit of excess before coming close to bursting its banks.
Apparently the flood risk right here, is quite significantly less compared to even quite nearby, and we are pretty unlikely to get flooded out, even during really dismal weather.
Baby oil? its not so bad, just as long as the babies aren't past their use-by date, for best quality oil, they really do need to be freshly pressed