Join the club. Although I did manage to stomp on the pukefest, using cyclizine and ondansetron, the latter being an antinauseant I have somehow managed to get a script for, for my stomach problems, I say somehow, because its usually reserved for cancer patients on the nastiest kinds of chemo, because it is horrifically overexpensive.
Unjustifiably so, IMO, because I've seen ondansetron on sale in the catalogs of chemical companies for far cheaper than the medical establishment gets it. Costs something like £80 something for a few tablets, whilst if it were bought as a fine chemical, that would get someone grams, rather than about 70-100mg, so its obviously not due to synthetic pathways being demanding and arduous, just fucked up big pharma inflation.
I'll say one thing though, it WORKS, its damn reliable, and especially with cyclizine, a sedating antihistamine and extraordinarily effective anti-vomiting and antinauseant agent, that alone has been effective enough to stop me mid-run-to-bog, going from feeling half dead to bang to rights after..ahem..sticking it where the sun don't shine, in liquid form, (not much good swallowing pills when everything comes rocketing right back up again before it hits the bottom) or conversion to a more water soluble, injectable salt such as the lactate, from the poorly soluble HCl salt and used by IM, it works in seconds to minutes then.