I hope the frogs/newts/toads will be well cared for, its quite a journey for a soft, and porous-skinned amphibian, needing to be kept moist.
And richard? do kindly bugger off. Its getting tiresome. As far as getting to the bog however goes, opioids cause urinary retention, so that is quite unlikely.
As far as not bothering with weed much goes, I lost my phone whilst mushroom hunting in the woods. I've tried ringing it over at least two weeks but nobody has picked it up. Or if anybody HAS found it, they are not the honorable type.
I did have a few herb dealers on there. One moved out of town, one is a black, and not to be trusted as far as getting a fair deal, the other one is a paki, and his stuff is shite. I need to get my decent dealer's number again once I get a new phone,
He is far away though. Which is the reason I don't go pick up from him much at all, my lower leg, my knee, my hip, its too painful. I'd sooner go without any bud, than have to face the walk. And there is the chance of me getting literally stuck there. That happened today. I'd gone to the local(ish) supermarket and my hip collapsed, I had to get one of the store workers to let me use the phone to call for a lift home. Couldn't sit down to wait, ended up sort of sprawled out along a metal railing low to the ground, and when my lift came, could hardly get into the car.
Try living with that, richard, you would be begging for strong painkillers from your doc within a week. Two, if you are one tough sonofabitch. Without the pain meds and antiinflammatories, I can't even bend down to tie my damn shoelaces some of the time.