Those facebook games are so vacuous IMO. I don't see what might even pretend to be fun about any of them, there is so little actual content, its all the same, only with different numbers. And the getting people to pay IRL cash for in-game items gives me the creeps, especially because it can easily influence kids, who are the ones often likely to be exposed to such feculent piles of ordure.
I've heard about little skrote kids getting their mom's CC numbers and running up huge bills on those pathetic facebook games, and other things along the same theme, MMORPGs and the like where one can buy otherwise rare/unique/expensive items in-game using actual £££.
Why anybody would want to is beyond me though.
CBC, are you unable to access your password reset feature? there is usually one with webmail providers. If so, I'd try contacting the webmail provider. Might get nowhere, depending on how good their customer service is, but its worth a try.