What was supposed to be a quick chat to ex had me losing my cool with her a bit and barking at her a little and her in tears.
I feel shittier for it and thnk goodness I am not still with her, because this would be the norm.
She repeats the same thing over and over and I eventually say "For fuck's sake, you have repeated that 3 times already. I understood that the first time." Then it is me being unreasonable and mean. Never actually did work out the point of her doing this and doubt I ever will. Don't even know why it winds me up so much with her.
Without going into it, it is kind of
"You said so and so to X?"
"X is a really nice person. She has been really helpful. I don't want her to think badly of me".
"She is a really nice person though and has been really helpful and I don't want her to think badly of me".
"Sure. I understand. I don't think that what I said was bad or would been seen in a bad light. Anyhow, blah, blah blah (change subject)."
"They may see what you said as challenging or rude"
"I don't think they will and it was certainly not meant that way in any case"
"X is a really nice person. She has been really helpful. I don't want her to think badly of me"
"For fuck's sake, you have repeated that 3 times already. I understood that the first time. What is it you want?"
*drumroll tears* Ugh!