I've been doing this team lead thing for a while now. Sick of it, because all I'm doing is one meeting after another. There's a lot of talk but no substance.
The company is also changing their organisational strategies about as often as sensible people change their underwear.
I miss development. I get to herd many developers, most of whom probably see me as senior and their boss, but not really up to date. They tolerate me because I'm their necessary shielding to keep on working. Yet I'd sometimes like to scream at them, especially when doing code reviews or get them to push their bloody code to the server so we can all keep working if someone gets sick.
But if I drive through a change - an agile coach taking charge of project standups, say, because I don't have the time to do all of our dailies - there's a lot of passive-aggressive behaviour. I get that I'm no longer their colleague, but for fuck's sake, they behave like children.
So, yeah, I miss spending my days developing, solving problems. Very few meetings, maybe a few with customers, but nothing too bothersome or frequent.
But since we are in desperate need of more devs, I have also been interviewing loads of them, because that is also in my job description. All but one or two have been junior devs. Not that they can't learn, they absolutely can, but I keep thinking that I will need to spoon feed them if I hire them. It's not a good mindset because I am not as open as I would need to be.
Never mind me. Tomorrow is another day.