Why, what did you do charlotte? what did you DO to that last mechanic? did you leave them in a gibbering chewed up and spat out heap or something, like I did to that really really offensive locum doctor that told me to 'go and have a seizure', along with (without witnesses) admitting to malpactice just to get me out of the door faster.
*offers ren a hug, a back rub, tube of antiinflammatory gel and some painkillers* and offers to do heat-pack duty

Hope you feel better soon renster.
My arm has been aching of late, right arm, past the elbow towards the shoulder end, as it happens, too. And so has my left lower leg, around the calf. Little bollock that its being.
*goes to prep a morphine+oxy shot, and offers one to ren too*

Also, buggering little shitbag (no, not you renster), my finger. After a seizure, during which I ended up smashing the TV and it coming down on me, it (I think thats what did it at least, I think I might have gotten knocked out when my head hit the deck). Thankfully it was a flatscreen, rather than a CRT so it didn't smash my skull open or break my legs or leave me with a fuckload of glass in me, had to pay for a replacement though. Although it was gonna be £120, but my old man said just pay 100, got it cheaper.)
Thankfully though it was me it hit, rather than the flask in the crate in front, although I've moved it now. If that had broken, it would have cost me dearly. About £90-something ex shipping, although thankfully the chinese are masters of understatement, when it comes to trading in chemicals and laboratory glassware, they don't even need asking a lot of the time; they just value things below the tax threshold as a service to their customers. Recently a piece of glass valued at over £50...they valued at just over one dollar for import purposes haha. (that isn't a bitch mind you, I'm sure as hell not complaining, and they can hardly call ME guilty of anything if the sellers did it of their own accord, voluntarily can they now?
But ugh the TV, and I had a slice torn off my finger, shallow, about BB size but its on the inside of a finger, towards the side of another one. Inconvenient as fuck because it keeps rubbing against the uninjured other finger's side and its slow to heal, and sore, grazes hurt more than they should. Annoying little fucker. Although I do have a mixture of a local anaesthetic, with an antiseptic (clove oil, has some antiseptic properties too, although might consider altering the mix to include tea-tree essential oil, perhaps a couple of percent of phenol) and gelling agents. So I've been using that to both help it stay clean and help it heal, as well as stop it being painful if it catches on something, or rubs on my finger.
Just glad that it wasn't that new flask though, that'd have been a real cunt to replace, expensive as fuck. Although I need another one anyway, for doing large distillations where a lot of solvent needs to be stripped under vacuum etc. as well as recycling solvents via distillation, drying and redistillation, and for doing large-scale reactions themselves. Could do with another big one like that though for a big receiver. Might even get myself a ten liter or twenty liter RBF pair, although that'd be really expensive, especially for a pair, but I want some big ones that are fully round bottomed rather than having a slightly flat one, so I can put them under more than hand-pump or venturi pump level, for distillations needing hard vacuum, like say, stripping DMSO, DMF and hexamethylphosphoramide (aka 'liquid cancer'...ick!), all useful polar, aprotic solvents that take significantly strong base to deprotonate, like hydrides, butyllithium, maybe titanium isopropoxide or aluminium isopropoxide or tert-butoxide, but they are all of them a pain in the ASS, because of the high boiling point that necessitates the use of heavy duty vacuum equipment to pull them over into the receiver flask. And the big one I recently bought, the flattening means it would probably implode. Not something I'd want to be near. ESPECIALLY not if it had DMSO or hexamethylphosporamide in them. DMSO isn't toxic itself, but it has a rather alarming property of going straight through the skin, carrying whatever is dissolved in it with it. And you don't want that to be corrosives or poisons, it would just spread through the body and start burning you alive from the inside out. And HMPA, is pretty carcinogenic stuff.