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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13860 on: January 24, 2018, 07:29:17 PM »
Was unpacking a box and got some kind of scented crap on my fingers from a container that had lost its lid, and now I can't get the smell off.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13861 on: January 24, 2018, 07:53:37 PM »
Was unpacking a box and got some kind of scented crap on my fingers from a container that had lost its lid, and now I can't get the smell off.

Wanna smell my fingers instead?  :zoinks:

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13862 on: January 24, 2018, 10:32:53 PM »
I sometimes worry I'll have the same thing happen to me, raxy. Only with it taking a rather large helping of luck for it to be scented. Or as benign (relatively speaking) as crap. Although lets just say after one nasty surprise almost had, courtesy of my father, involving his gutting a broken E-cig battery (still charged, just the control contact wiring  buggered) I'm pretty careful unwrapping packages by now :lol:

(if your wondering, it was a huge lithium battery from one of those high capacity variable output e-cigs, the circuitry failed, battery still full charge, and whilst my dad is anything but a chemist, he does know a few things he's picked up from me, such as that I'll make use of battery electrode foils to save money on lithium if I don't need huge weight or molar quantities of it; or else I'll use it for reactions that need or can be accomplished using lithium metal, and ideally make use of Li that has a very large surface area to weight ratio, such as processes involving exposure of the metal to gases, where one wants as much lithium as possible to be in contact with the gas for whatever it is one is doing.

So...he went into the shed, and obviously removed the shell from the battery, returning with the inner electrode, not realizing that of course, being an alkali metal, it was already beginning to oxidize (I'm surprised it didn't start to get too hot to touch before he even got it into the room I was in in the house)....what did I get...a 'package' he'd opened, tossed into my lap, whilst sat on the sofa, with a cheerful 'hey here you are'.

A by then really bloody  hot package, resulting in a frantic sprint over to the lab for a bucket of petroleum spirits to chuck it in, passing it madly from hand to hand as I ran for it, before his little gift went from burning my hand to just plain burning [metal-fires are REAL shits to put out, as they burn really, really hot, ever seen magnesium ribbon being lit whilst held in tongs in school lab classes? lithium does that too, only rather than a blazing, brilliant blinding white, the color is a scarlet-pinkish flame, and one needs special fire extinguishers for metal fires in general, as they can burn hot enough to split CO2 for example, which would just feed it fuel, although it can work on a small scale. Li also reacts with CO2, as well as oxygen, and, unlike the other alkali metals, it reacts with elemental nitrogen which is to most things, inert, forming a superbase called lithium nitride. On a small scale, the   cooling from a continuous sudden discharge of a fire extinguisher SHOULD put it out, but only if its small. And of course you can't use water, as it splits under the heat and you just get a bigger mess still. And halon-type fire extinguishers would be outright dangerous, and risk splitting up the halon/freon-like stuff in them and creating really, really nasty things like phosgene and fluorophosgene (one breath of either would kill the victim quite easily if there is enough of a concentration in the air, and with phosgene that is NOT very much at all, afaik fluorophosgene is even nastier stuff still, a few milligrams of either per square meter is enough to be highly dangerous and if the exposure is not very brief (in a 'runthefuckaway' kind of brief sort of way), potentially fatal. (phosgene is carbonyl chloride, (C=O)Cl2, fluorophosgene being the same, only carbonyl fluoride, where fluorine replaces those two chlorine atoms, and they are both of them the stuff of chemist's nightmares. COCl2 was used in chemical warfare too, in the trench warfare era, as a mask-penetrating replacement for chlorine gas, with the added 'bonus' of its also being, rather than having the acutely obvious, stinking, choking nature of Cl2, of very  faint, old hay-like odor [you have no idea how much I wish I didn't know that other than by reading....and no I wasn't deliberately making the stuff], not irritating, just....later after exposure you develop pulmonary oedema and drown in your own blood plasma filling your lungs..

So dealing with metal fires is a bitch, the best way is to stop one ever happening in the first place, hence my frantic dash for a tub, and some petroleum spirits to fill it and chuck in the skinned battery my old man had thrown into my lap before it could have a proper chance at catching fire.

(not quite as demented as it sounds, since alkali metals are stored under paraffin-type inert hydrocarbons a lot, I've got some sodium for example that I prepared via electrolysis and its sitting under lighter fluid in a stoppered jar, to prevent it oxidizing or catching fire; although my lab-grade lithium is stored dry, in a jar purged with dry argon, in the inner of the two bags it came sealed in, with a corner cut off the bag for taking pieces out, and the bottom of the jar the bag is kept in partially filled with a mixture of magnesium powder to scrub traces of oxygen, and anhydrous calcium chloride, although I think I will change that absorbent/oxygen scrubber mixture to a blend of magnesium powder and quicklime, CaO, or possibly iron dust and CaO, to form iron oxide, which of course are colored, so oxidation can be visually monitored since anhydrous calcium chloride turns into a viscous liquid when it absorbed water, whilst CaO turns into Ca(OH)2, which is a powder still, so less mess potential, not that I actually ever intend on letting a fill-up of dessicant/oxygen absorbent mixture.

For a DIY-ed alternative to storing the lab-grade lithium under mineral spirits or oils (its really light, of low density and unless held or weighted-down it actually floats on petrol, so with storing it in inert gas it can't try bobbing back up to the surface and starting all kinds of flaming nastiness:LOL1:)

So you got off lightly 'raxy, with your scented crap covering your fingers.

(taken in isolation, that last sentence really reads SO wrong! there just aren't words that even begin to do it justice in terms of wrongness. That does NOT read quite the way I'd intended it to)
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13863 on: January 25, 2018, 10:45:08 AM »
Was unpacking a box and got some kind of scented crap on my fingers from a container that had lost its lid, and now I can't get the smell off.

Then you shall smell like salad. :viking:

A cup in the wash also works if you are given some gorgeous clothes by a friend that loves her perfume as much as she loves expensive clothes. 
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Offline odeon

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13864 on: January 25, 2018, 01:19:19 PM »
Was unpacking a box and got some kind of scented crap on my fingers from a container that had lost its lid, and now I can't get the smell off.

Then you shall smell like salad. :viking:

A cup in the wash also works if you are given some gorgeous clothes by a friend that loves her perfume as much as she loves expensive clothes.

Vinegar smells like dying film stock. :'(
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Offline Lestat

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13865 on: January 27, 2018, 10:01:23 PM »
Safety-film, right? it'll do that given time. Try keeping your film-stock at a temperature of 15'C or preferably, below, and keep it dry and out of direct sunlight. The cellulose acetate stock that was brought in to replace the originally used nitrocellulose (which is essentially gun-cotton/smokeless powder given a less than complete nitration, so its nonexplosive, but still highly flammable, that hasn't been produced in the form of a powder/grains) is prone to degradation, due to the labile nature of the acetate ester groups, esters are really easy to cleave, acid, bases, sometimes just time, some humidity and heat will do it (thats why aspirin/acetylsalicylic acid ends up, if its really old, developing a similar vinegary smell, ester hydrolysis doesn't need much encouragement, and releasing acid in the process can potentially act in an autocatalytic manner-the more acid is released due to degradation, the more acid is free to go and encourage more hydrolysis)

Try keeping the stock with molecular sieves (cheap on ebay, I just bought..I think it was a kilo or two, of 3A mol-sieves for use as a drying agent for...doing what I do best...and it only cost about $20, and since they are re-usable, being able to be regenerated by heating them [they are synthetic zeolite ceramic type material, that are produced to have carefully-controlled pore-sizes which enables them, depending on the pore-size to selectively absorb some substances in the presence of others, since only molecules which are small enough can fit in the holes.], is known to help preserve acetate film, as well as keeping it cold (the sieves will take care of moisture. Not sure  what the minimal pore size is to absorb AcOH, but if you want I can easily find out)

Keep it at 10 'C and with sieves in a porous bag, paper wrapping etc. present (you need to bake them out first before use) and the film will outlive you by decades, and that isn't taking into account your current age, thats just going from an assumed maximal average human lifespan of a century.

Hate the smell of vinegar...ew. Wouldn't surprise me if its because I use a fair lot of glacial acetic acid as a solvent, and occasionally, reactant in various processes (the 'glacial' bit comes from the way that 100% AcOH has only a modestly cool freezing point, where it turns to ice-like crystalline solid rather than liquid, although I've never actually seen mine do it since it's kept indoors and never gets exposed to that sort of temperature, and the stuff STINKS of vinegar (table vinegar is usually about 4-6% acetic acid, GAA is 100% or close to it and it really does stink something sharp and nasty)

But try that, odeon, mol.sieves are dirt cheap, and will help keep acetate film in a condition where it can still be used even after you are long dead and even the worm-chow is gone.

Quick bitch-just had a frantic search around for my pain meds, couldn't find the damn things for ages, and the last lot was already beginning to wear off enough for me to start feeling pretty uncomfortable, although not quite enough for the hip pain to storm back with a vengeance.

Stuff usually comes in wide-ish boxes with a brightly colored square on the label with the brand name on it, only this time it didn't, just came in a little cardboard box with a sticker saying 'zomorph' in a font about the size of your typical post letter sizing and some small-print, white and featureless, among a load of other boxes of stuff the docs surgery keep giving me for convenience's sake on their part, but that I don't need as much as they give me, or rather, not nearly as often as they give it to me, so the stuff that doesn't get used mounts up, and gets in the way of finding other stuff.

Spent a good half hour or so running around thinking 'FUCK! where the hell is this shit' and wondering IF I'd find it, or if it was going to be around somewhere but I'd end up going without for a day and night (due for a refill monday) and end up getting sick because I can't find what would be, somewhere or other, right under my nose.

Found it eventually thankfully, So going to go and take care of business thataways now, then go back to playing fallout-tactics.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13866 on: January 28, 2018, 03:11:02 AM »
TY, Lestat. I know, though. :)
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13867 on: January 29, 2018, 12:35:46 PM »
About the sieves? also ventilated canisters can be of use for storage so as to allow control of the humidity, to avoid excess and to avoid insufficient and resultant drying out. If you haven't got any mol.sieves, I've got a fair quantity of 3A sieves coming and could spare some, since I've IIRC either a kilo or two coming. Not sure how much film you have of course, and I do need some for my own but could potentially help out at least some. Shouldn't take a large quantity per individual container, and they can be baked out again and again, although I'd have to check that 3A is enough to absorb acetic acid. They could if not, still be used to soak up humidity, and sachets of something like calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate/bicarbonate could serve to suck-up acid vapors.

Sort of similar to how I store my lab-grade lithium (with the added third part in that case of inert gas), using a mixture of magnesium dust and anhydrous calcium chloride, the Mg to absorb trace quantities of oxygen, not removed by the inert gas purge and the CaCl2 to remove water traces), in that a multi-ingredient mixture is used to control the environment, as I store my Li dry, rather than under mineral oil, as is common for alkali metals (from sodium onwards they are too heavy to do so, but lithium is the lightest of metals and its got a nasty habit of, when stored under the mineral oils, petroleum spirits of various kinds, floating up to the very  top due to its low, low atomic weight and density)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13868 on: January 30, 2018, 01:40:53 AM »
Got Tafe tomorrow and I don't want to go. The teacher I will have has had doubts about me being able to do the work since Certificate II. I am doing Certificate IV now and when that teacher enrolled me she still said she had doubts about me getting anywhere in her class (Programming). I wish she would encourage rather than doubt, isn't that what teachers are meant to do?
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13869 on: January 30, 2018, 02:46:30 AM »
About the sieves? also ventilated canisters can be of use for storage so as to allow control of the humidity, to avoid excess and to avoid insufficient and resultant drying out. If you haven't got any mol.sieves, I've got a fair quantity of 3A sieves coming and could spare some, since I've IIRC either a kilo or two coming. Not sure how much film you have of course, and I do need some for my own but could potentially help out at least some. Shouldn't take a large quantity per individual container, and they can be baked out again and again, although I'd have to check that 3A is enough to absorb acetic acid. They could if not, still be used to soak up humidity, and sachets of something like calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate/bicarbonate could serve to suck-up acid vapors.

Sort of similar to how I store my lab-grade lithium (with the added third part in that case of inert gas), using a mixture of magnesium dust and anhydrous calcium chloride, the Mg to absorb trace quantities of oxygen, not removed by the inert gas purge and the CaCl2 to remove water traces), in that a multi-ingredient mixture is used to control the environment, as I store my Li dry, rather than under mineral oil, as is common for alkali metals (from sodium onwards they are too heavy to do so, but lithium is the lightest of metals and its got a nasty habit of, when stored under the mineral oils, petroleum spirits of various kinds, floating up to the very  top due to its low, low atomic weight and density)

I appreciate the offer but there's no need at the moment. :)
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13870 on: January 31, 2018, 07:41:33 AM »
It's too overcast to see the blood moon  :bigcry:

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13871 on: January 31, 2018, 07:49:45 AM »
Will there be a blood moon showing tonight CQ?

If so, I'll take time to look.

(hm,  ain't that all we need, first sponsored 'bleed ins' at universities, now the fucking MOON is PMSing and jumping on the feminazi bandwagon :spazz:
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13872 on: January 31, 2018, 08:19:56 AM »
Will there be a blood moon showing tonight CQ?

If so, I'll take time to look.

(hm,  ain't that all we need, first sponsored 'bleed ins' at universities, now the fucking MOON is PMSing and jumping on the feminazi bandwagon :spazz:

I don't know if you'll see it in your part of the world. Mostly Australia, Asia and Pacific USA will see it.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13873 on: January 31, 2018, 10:33:33 AM »
Well, I'll probably be up, on the computer and/or busily beavering away at a chemistry project. So I think I'll at least take a look up from my flasks and test tubes and beakers, to see if I can spot it.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13874 on: January 31, 2018, 10:37:06 PM »
Saw the blood moon happen last night through Kayleigh's telescope. As the moon got higher in the sky, it got smaller it seemed.
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