Not really having issues, but new ones keep presenting.
Such as, (dealing with the insurance nightmare of securing our mortgage loan) SORRY TOO MANY LOGIN ATTEMPTS. THIS SITE HAS RESTRICTED YOUR ACCESS.
Apparently, last time I reset my ancient computer, I had a third party popup blocker, still working. So, as I began to dicover what the problem ammounted to, I ran out of "login attempts" and so now I am held hostage, trying to be modern and just sign things the new way using esign software. I have already set up accounts with two of them, BTW, but this United Omaha uses a different brand of software.
So, basically I'm at
and there is not one damn thing I can do about it until time passes.
I really wanted this final detail over and done with today!! See the bank has offered a long mortgage to a sixty six year old guy with no income, so they wanted me to pay for insurance in case of my death (which is damn good bet, incidentally). My computer was blocking my acxcess to the site I HAVE to use. Once I found the damnable, THRICE DAMNED thingy, I had used up my three chances to access the site.
Now, after over an hour on the fucking phone with these people, I have to call back and explain that I can not do what I said I could do, meaning esigning and emailing back all the shit they need to help me get straight with the fucking bank.
Turning into a longer day than I had planned to get this crap done!