Aww poor renster *squeezes*, thats got to be a bugger and a half, an autie/aspie allergic to cats.
Thats like....having a vegetarian allergic to anything plant based

Just doesn't work.
Could be worse though, you could be autie as a cat and allergic to cats. Now that'd throw a spanner in the works (now, on a more serious although musing sort of note, I wonder how the very devil that those rare individuals who present a nasty ass immune reaction to water, yes, water, its not common but the condition exists, I wonder how they actually are able to exist, without reacting to the water in their bodies, and when almost all aqueous liquids for oral consumption also cause reaction, how one or two specific (to an individual) such beverages manage to not cause symptoms. I read once of a woman who could drink only tea. Skin exposure to water, swallowing it, IIRC even her own sweat, caused a severe reaction, couldn't drink water or most drinks, but for whatever reason could drink tea.)
Quite the peculiar phenomenon, no?
Hope you feel better soon ren.
As for my quick bitch right now-my fucking neck is still aching like a shit. I did have about 50-60mg methadone though this morning and its stopped it hurting, although I still can't turn my neck to the right. Although at least, I can sleep now. I know because I just did earlier, when the methadone I'd bought the other day was coming on at close to its strongest peak effect. That bought me about 4.5 hours of rest give or take a bit, and I could go right back to sleep if I wanted. I don't though, I'm in the mood for things that involve glassware and funky things bubbling and sizzling

Got another 20mg methadone left, that I'll take this evening, and again, go to sleep, since in the morning I'll be picking up my repeat meds. The methadone was just to tide me over the weekend, because the doctors here are too fucking stingy with pain meds to give me enough to last me the entirety of each week, I always end up having to fend for myself at a bare MINIMUM overnight, and much of a sunday evening, sometimes, saturday. They give me NEARLY enough, but not quite, and even now, they complain I'm getting too fucking much!
Been threatening to slash the dose too. I'm actually too scared to go to the doctors now for an appointment, because the scripts are done automatically, every week, and by attracting as little attention as possible, at least until I have a firm and solid boundary to fall back on, before making another appt. unless there is an emergency of some sort thats below hospital grade but needs seeing to within a day or two then nothing has actually been DONE. My GP is like that, decent enough guy usually but he is pretty forgetful and if he can't see me, I'm not there; no fucking joke, its almost as if, like a baby, with a parent hiding his/her face and the doctor thinks the patient vanished.
I hate dealing with doctors. Hopefully although it means doing as much of my bodily medical maintenance myself courtesy of my particular brand of speshul skills, I can actually avoid this. Although at the same time, I NEED something done he is meant to do, and it'd be pretty damn difficult for me to do it and make the required chemical entity, memantine in this case, and its got a funky three-dimensional cage structure with bridgehead carbon atons (an adamantane derivative specifically) and I have looked for precursors to it but I've not found anyone who can get me either the dimethyladamantane backbone to it, or what I'd far prefer, either an alcohol, an alkyl halide or tosylate/brosylate/nosylate/mesylate or nitro group in the 1-position that I could just aminate and make my own memantine. As it is, I'm waiting for a damn research chemical supplier to get memantine back in stock.