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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13815 on: January 02, 2018, 04:31:43 AM »
Add wheel bearings going bad to the rest of the sounds of my car falling apart. I can't identify which wheel though.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13816 on: January 02, 2018, 06:48:53 AM »
Add wheel bearings going bad to the rest of the sounds of my car falling apart. I can't identify which wheel though.
But it shouldn't be! It's practically new!

I identified the loud vibrating noise coming from my car last week. Opened the car door while sitting in Park and knew straight away. Shit, it's loud.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13817 on: January 02, 2018, 11:48:05 PM »
-___- My leg hurts.... from the ankle that had the spiral fracture. Why does the Cold have to be such a bitch!?!

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13818 on: January 03, 2018, 02:47:12 AM »
Ugh. It's morning.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13819 on: January 03, 2018, 01:04:04 PM »
Just found out I have a doctor's appt tomorrow at 9:10am.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13820 on: January 03, 2018, 03:32:26 PM »
Apparently I don't have insurance as of this moment :(


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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13821 on: January 03, 2018, 03:52:15 PM »
Apparently I don't have insurance as of this moment :(



Check about getting the paperwork for a sliding fee discount and who will accept it in the event you do need care.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13822 on: January 03, 2018, 04:30:33 PM »
I've never been able to understand how in the furry blue fuck the yanks can be against an NHS, when otherwise, the govt is willing to leave the sick to suffer and die. The same people as vote against subsidized healthcare. Bet they'd change their mind the moment their little newborn baby got sick with some awful, but treatable disease, or terminal cancer, but were refused palliative pain-relieving end of life care because they hadn't the thousands of pounds to pay for it if they couldn't afford insurance.

I've KNOWN someone who EASILY could have died, because she is epileptic and also cannot produce ACTH, and subsequently no corticosteroids. Not just at a level that would make her sick, but without the steroids, would kill her. Her boss fucked her on her insurance, because he was a fucking cunt, and she IIRC had to go without her vital meds. Because of the lack of an NHS. It is IMO a vital part of a country that all should have, healthcare free at the point of access. Shit knows, I am intensely grateful for the NHS. Because I'd not even be able to afford all my meds if I refused to pay the house rent, bought and ate no food or drink, no clothing, no nothing, not for more than the couple of weeks the savings I do have would pay for the meds for. I'd be stuck with seizures and in constant, severe pain. But because of the NHS, a little given to it by all who can afford to pay that tax, excluding the poorest and the disabled etc. who cannot, and who often need it most, I get (because of some qualifying disability benefits) all my  meds for no charge, not from the NHS or the pharmacy. I just pick the rx up every time a refill is due, take it to the pharmacy, tick the right box on the back, sign another box on the back of another script, the one for my pain meds, as there is a 'CD box' (controlled drug) that for those I have to sign again specially, but everything is free, even the stuff that for about 20 pills (which I am meant to take 4 of a day, although I don't, I take them only when I need them) costs the NHS some £80 to over £100 for just a handful of the things (ondansetron, a revoltingly overexpensive med for cancer patients on the chemo types which cause the worst sickness and vomiting, that now I eventually got on my script refills, but is even more effective than it is expensive.) I couldn't even afford that alone for more than a month or two at most, with the near 1k I have saved up)

If it were not for our NHS, I would be in a fucking awful way. I'd be housebound and barely able to eat. Seizures, the works. As it is, its all paid for for me, due to a contribution from the many for the needs of the few who need it most, and for the many when they themselves get sick, just as the poorest can. In the US, its the poorest who get the shittiest end of the stick, because of fucking politics. I HATE politics. And I hate politicians. Bunch of self-serving, greedy, lying sons of piss-sodden gutter-spawned, dog-shagging pestilent gorgonsluts. Fucking arseholes who'll gladly trample the weakest to enrich the strong, and themselves. There is a special place in hell for such fucking bipedal mammalian night-soil. And I doubt it is pleasant.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13823 on: January 03, 2018, 05:13:17 PM »
NHS wouldn't allow the big pharmaceutical companies to rape everyone up the ass.

I think that would be great with the 90% of us that aren't getting our pockets padded with their $$$.


Offline Walkie

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13824 on: January 03, 2018, 06:31:21 PM »
NHS wouldn't allow the big pharmaceutical companies to rape everyone up the ass.

I think that would be great with the 90% of us that aren't getting our pockets padded with their $$$.
I wish that were true.   Fact is our NHS allows Big Pharma to rape itself up the ass...and that amounts to the same thing does't it?
There are some drugs and treatments  that our NHS won't buy/ provide, because "too expensive" but ironically it's mostly not the really shockingingly  stuff. If the drugs companies come uo with an unique life-saving drug , for some rare condition, and ask  half-a-million per year , per patient , NHS will buy that, given the only alternative is to let some patient die.  But then, if it's something that you can survive without, (even if it could vastly immprove your quality of life) it's a lot more iffy whether they feel they can pay for it or not.
I saw a series of ducumentaries on that once, where they let the public see the decision -making process at work. It was heartrending to see what some people had to do without, just  because the coffers were running dry.
Ovbviously, at the end of the day, it's the fault of those drug companies for effectivel yblackmailing the NHS for p[aying more than it can really afford.  I say obvious, but it's slightl;y disguiosed, because  you don't see the effect at the high end of the market so much as at the low end of the market .  It's a bit like: you can maybe tell that a  a junkie's being squeezed dry by their dealer  cos their kids  don't have shoes, not because they don't have all the heroin they need. Drug dealer didn't charge extortionate price  for the shoes,  had no part in that particular trandaction, but  just didn't leave any cash to spare for them.
Our Government doesn't like to mention that factor , ever, when they talk about financial  strain on the NHS. I  think that wouykld be vbecause everything they've done these past 3 decades has been geared towards diverting mmore and more public monety into private coffers.  In the light of which, this would seem to be just more of the same.
the NHS used to be brillliant, but it isn't any more. Too much of it has been privatised , and the parts that are left in public hands are  being squeezed dry by private industry, nonetheless.
I'm glad that Lestat till gets a decent service :). But too many people don't. It's something of a lottery. now.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13825 on: January 03, 2018, 07:02:57 PM »
oh! examples (from personal experience)  of "low end" cuts I mentioned above.  From about 30-ish years ago, NHS pretty savagely cut availabity of "talking therapies " for people with mental health conditions, and put a lot of them on dtugs instead, because the drugs were cheaper. More recently, they withrew those drugs from a lot of patients , and offerered them a very short course (6 weeks)  of CBT instead , because that was cheaper. I knew somebody who was rea\lly dependant  on Prozac at the time, had been taking it for years, andf that move really screwed her up. Fortunately, they let her have her Prozac back....eventually . Mental health is notoriously underfunded , but it'd not just Mental health, far from it.
Meatime, at some point the dropped the branded asthma inhalers from their prescribable list, which leaves myself (and who knows how many others) without an effective inhaler,..because I'm allegic to the propellant in the generic brand...it triggers my asthma, ironically!  Theoretically (but not very practically)  I can still get the one that works fonr me, by finding a chemist who doesn;'t have the generic one in stock (they would then have to give me whatever they did have)  so I guess that can be used justifiy that move; plus , of course , there's only a chance that I'll die through lack of appropriarte  inhaler, not a certainty. And what do they save there? Well I don't really know what they pay for the inhalers, but peanuts, I would guess. But they are long past the point where they actually have to count the peanuts

« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 07:10:19 PM by Walkie »

Offline Lestat

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13826 on: January 03, 2018, 07:38:15 PM »
Yeah, thats what makes me sick. That so, SO many people could get what I get, and are disallowed it. Even cancer patients.

Its just fucking wrong. It nearly/could easily have killed one of the people I care for most, or left her a vegetable, a girl with Rett's, who has, unusually, since she is a cellular chimaera, a sparky, and quite astonishing intellect. It rivals or perhaps even outmatches mine own. (I am not one to blow my own trumpet, but I AM a polymath, with the exception of being, ironically, mathematically/numerically as capable as a moldy banana) And someone I am both truly glad to even get permission to speak her name, let alone know her, (obviously this person is a she, since only females with Rett's can survive more than a couple of hours , if that, past birth. Usually they do not live that long and die in-utero. Unless they are the very, very rare individual who is of an XXY karyotype, since Rett's is X-linked, and men only have one X chromosome, females have, usually, two (although XXX, XXXX and even XXXXX is known), so they have a protection which enables survival, albeit usually at extreme cost, of severe mental retardation and no motor skills.

This girl...she really bucks the trend alright. She's a mutant, literally. A rare, rare one, and a special one. Autie, very beautiful, and with an intellect such as I can converse with her on an equal level, we can understand each other without explanations having to be given by default unless asked for, and as far as mobility goes, she is physically extremely fit, she is a dancer, and a gym coach to special ed kids. Those pharma bastards, after her boss (former boss), not due to cutbacks, but just because he was a fucking cocksucker who if I ever meet, will die a slow, and excruciating death, after I skin him alive, cover him in quicklime, caustic soda and salt and after ramming a stake up his ass, roast him slowly on a spit, moving the burning coals from feet first to his head, slowly, so he doesn't get to die of CO poisoning first. And then crucify him and leave him to die, with his eyes ripped out and the holes packed with red hot caustic soda.

And yeah I know what some dealers are like. Fucking cheapskates who sell 'weight' which is nothing like, and that cut to fuck (like heroin which is only 20% H and the rest cut. Not counting a little caffeine added to base H to allow it to be smoked, but just stomped on to make more profit by dilution. Personally, I'd just charge more for proper product, if I were to deal. I'd warn the user 'don't believe my words, but before you TAKE the product, act as if they were true, once you have bought my item/s from me and go to use them, treat them as uncut  first, so you do not overdose. Once you've tried it, you'll then know what I spoke was truth'

As for drugs developed for very rare conditions, they are called 'orphan drugs', and granted status as such, since they are usually if not always the only cure or treatment for the condition.

Don't like street dealers much at all. There ARE some honorable ones, like a guy who warned me the dope we went to score was cut with fent or something similar. He was a hobo, homeless guy, and at first obviously I wasn't going to trust him with my money, and he DEMANDED I keep hold of his up-to-date iphone and property until he returned with the dope. He took some, but took what I said he could have, for being my go-through. He could have dipped in, but he didn't. Went off with my money, and came back with the fent-laced H. Always scrupulously honest with me, absolutley so. Even warned me off dodgy fuckers he knew. But this guy, he treated me protectively in fact, and always made sure we went to the best dealers. When I would use street products other than weed that is.

I don't, now, since I don't want the risk of cut shit, or toxic stuff. I decided that I MUST know the provenance of any recreational substance bar weed, from its being a few chemicals until its emergence, birth and then purification to meet my (admittedly pretty damn demanding)

The private big pharma....they can rape themselves alright. They NEED to get fucked in the arse alright. Although I'd sooner do it with a broom handle with nails hammered into it and broken glass glued on.

Also, if its a half mil per patient per year (assuming it isn't a one-shot cure) or a million, but the rate of the disease is one in a hundred million, then the actual financial cost ends up quite small since the NHS need have only a small quantity, sufficient for a few patients.

As for the NHS just being greedy...boy would I like to get out my nunchaku  and go pay those greedy svinya a little house call from witch-doctor Lestat (lets just say I moonlight haha). Although I'd not be coming to TREAT broken bones. I'd be delivering them. Like presents from a schizophrenic santa-claus. Withholding quality-of-life and cancer drugs from patients just to save MONEY..that is major-league fucked the hell up. There  are some that they MUST keep available for all patients who need them. The ones judged as the basic components of a basic functioning healthcare system, from here to the third, fourth and fifth-world shitholes where they are brought by the red cross. But they are really basic. To save mere currency for their budget, the NHS has no excuse.

As for the dealers and their extortionate prices...shit..that all could be eradicated completely overnight, by fully legalizing each and every substance. The dealers would lose their incentive, if such items as MDMA, weed etc. could be bought from a pharmacy, in little packets with instructions on safe use, of verified purity. The govt could make a lot of tax income, and use it for the medical treatment of those with such conditions as treatment is now denied for. And as for those who become addicted, they could  buy what they need from a pharmacy rather than having to try, possibly unsuccessfully, to score on the street. Goods would be pure, and guaranteed dose units, made by pharmaceutical companies and freelancers who could pass a license test on their skillset and dedication. And of course, for things that people want to use themselves  but not sell, they could be free to do so without judgement or penalty. Criminal cartels with murderous intentions without morals, their businesses would simply evaporate like a dog fart in a hurricane. And those addicted, they could buy at the pharmacy at fair prices, proper product, uncontaminated, and thus remain functional in society, and when they were ready, slowly taper, with legally bought product, until they were free of any addiction they incurred, despite the warnings on packets of compounds which would do so.

Although I'd also legalize the making of things  for people themselves for whom it is a calling, the Hive Bees, for whom it is not a job, but a hobby they enjoy. And who like being creative, inventing new things, again they could market after the licensing procedure. And of course, let the weed-growers who take great pride in their accomplishments, who take great pains to produce the very finest strains and hybrids of their own. Kind that in places like amsterdam would be taking up entries in the cannabis cup, to win prizes for it here too.

But legalization like of which I speak, all those criminal syndicates would vanish overnight, having no further profit margin to make. Overcharging for inferior product that might be dirty shit, nobody would go to any but the Hive Bees, and the weed-specialist growers who take growing bud, or take 'cooking' to being a clandestine chef, as an art form.

It would solve SO many  problems, near instantly, as fast as it took for pharmacies to get in stock and the companies to make the products. Which of course, pharma companies could do, hell, if I can make good MDA/MDMA then so can they. And I never had anybody to teach me, never had a mentor, I am self-taught. If someone with that background can train themselves to do it, big pharma with their great sophistication of their labs...they could make great stuff, and make sure every single MDMA pill was accurate to the microgram and as advertised.

Cartels, street trash, ripoff artists? gone. Gone as soon as the first reactors could produce the first batches. And even compete with me in quality. Quick as that could physically happen and distribution to pharmacies performed, away the mafia types would go. Like with alcohol prohibition, when repealed, the speakeasies either died a death, or became tourist attractions, legalized and free to continue, if they had it as an art form rather than simply providing getting pissed to drunkards.

The money, going to treat sick people, the destitute, the poorest in need. That tax, the budget for the NHS could be increased for all treatments, especially those otherwise denied many in desperate need most of all, the kids in agony, need I say more?

When they come out with 'just say NO!' propaganda...it ought be 'just say KNOW' And the 'won't somebody puuhh-leez think of the CHILDREN!!!, those same children could be thought of, properly, and they could be granted the things, the love, the care, the foster families they so direly need in life. So as not to just exist on a knife edge. Not to exist, but to LIVE. There is a difference between continuing to consume nutriment, and excreting it once what can be taken from it is processed and taken out of it, sleeping, waking, and doing the same again, all day, every day, if they GET to eat every day...that is what I call 'thinking of the children'. Not just a buzz-phrase. But putting act to word, practicing what they preach. Yes, please think of the children. Sure. But when people do, thinking isn't enough. One must also DO.

Nobody would sell their kids shoes or make them go without food and clothing for drugs, for they could be bought cheaply, of extreme purity, batches tested etc., at the pharmacy. For fair prices. It just wouldn't happen.

Such reform not only should happen. It MUST happen. It HAS to happen. And eventually it will do. But it won't happen fast enough. And all those drug 'offenders' who's 'offense' consisted solely of taking, possessing, selling,  giving away, making etc. such substances, and jailed, would have to be freed, and compensated for the time stolen from their lives, and the hurt done to their families due to them being jailed. No longer fathers or mothers taken from kids. No longer kids deprived of loved siblings, no longer loved ones taken from their lovers. Released, and compensated, so long as they did no violence in their pharmacological enterprises.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13827 on: January 03, 2018, 08:06:28 PM »
Ugh, that sucks.

Here you can almost guarantee if there is a new less-invasive procedure, or a drug that is more effective with no horrible side effects it won't be the one that's covered and the price is astronomical.

We had an instance here with the boy after heart surgery that luckily turned out to be a side effect from a medication (it corrected itself when the med was discontinued thankfully). But had it not, the only covered treatment was lengthy and not reported to be very pleasant in the least.

The newer, faster treatments with close to no side effects were not covered and came with an approx price tag of $100,000.   

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13828 on: January 03, 2018, 09:50:24 PM »
Apparently I don't have insurance as of this moment :(



Check about getting the paperwork for a sliding fee discount and who will accept it in the event you do need care.

I'm on SSI, and they said the Medicaid card was being transferred from Atnea to Meridian.... apparently I didn't get a card, or a letter yet. If only I had enough job experience to look for something with Insurance outside of Walmart -_-

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13829 on: January 03, 2018, 10:00:16 PM »
Your in the US I take it? :( I'm sorry to hear that (although PLEASE, please do try and persuade the majority of the rest of the inhabitants of the northern part of the continent to give us English the language they buggered off with a pirate copy of and completely managed to fuck up, and bastardize beyond belief. And poor kid.

The treatments offered by default ought to be the best available, and where compatible, the kindest. And one thing that REALLY fucks me off is those DEA fucking shiteating swine, not only harassing drug cooks and dealers, but even employed doctors who provide opioids to pain patients in actual, intolerable pain, harassing, raiding them, threatening them to try and force them not to prescribe as much total quantity whatever the reason. Thats just sick. Government sponsored bullying and intimidation of doctors, prosecution of doctors for doing their job, all in the name of 'just say no'. Doctors must be free to act as they must act in order to secure the welfare of patients to the best of their medical capability, or if others can do better, to send them to those who can do better, who will then do so, without fear, without intimidation, bullying, assault, threat of or actual arrest...treating a doctor like a criminal, or even criminal suspect for doing the job they are employed to perform is just sick fucking shit. And it is not, has never been and will never be an acceptable thing to allow to happen. They HAVE to be free to act in the patient's best interests.

Anything else, cannot ever be acceptable or accepted. That, thats the sort of thing I will remain eternally, and virulently hostile towards. It is wrongness of the foulest, most awful, sick fucking shit kind. And IMO anyone who does that, needs their head cutting open and battery acid pouring over it. Whilst their underpants are filled with giant Scolopendra centipedes and their ass full of stonefish venomous spines and box jellyfish tentacle-bits sewn under their fucking eyelids. Special place in the foullest, deepest, most rancid pit in all of hell for such utter disgusting filth.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.