Glad the sticky-fingered little kikespawn didn't get away with it.
I need to login to a fresh acct. to unlock my gmail so I can check my mail of course, but I SWEAR I ordered some fair quantities of acetone (10-15 maybe 20 liters since I use a lot of acetone as a solvent and.or washing agent (I.e under vacuum in a flask with a buchner funnel attached, and something wanted thats either soluble or insoluble in acetone mixed in with something unwanted that is or isn't soluble just so long as the solubilities of either are opposite to each other, that way, if your product is soluble it ends up being pulled by the vacuum into the flask, if it isn't, then the impurity dissolves in the acetone, gets sucked through the filter by the negative pressure whilst whatever it might be you are busy making at the time is retained in the filter as a solid idealy and can be washed with more acetone whilst the vac is still going, just to scrub your hard worked-for product nice and clean and free of whatever byproduct/s you were washing away, also ordered some toluene and a length of fused quartz tubing and they haven't arrived. So I need to check my mail and see if the ebay transaction went through alright and if it didn't then there are going to be heads rolling
Also, this: [img][img[
For some reason unknown to me, I occasionally end up with one of my taste-bud papillae on my tongue becoming inflamed, turning whitish and being intensely irritated and irritating, as well as painful. Its happened, just every once in a long while for as long as I can remember. The pic is two of the miserably little whoresons of bitches that decided to become a couple of rotten apples in the barrel. Treated them in the best and most effective manner I've discovered for these swollen, painful tastebuds gone bad. Namely standing in front of a mirror to ensure accuracy and using a pair of needle-nosed wirecutters and tear them often also removing a small area around the damn things which is often also painful.
It does hurt a little when ripping them out of my tongue, but afterwards its a real relief to have them gone, the intense irritation they cause just evaporate. And I've lots and LOTS of ice-creams plus an orange icepop to soothe my tongue.
Bought me a big selection of the newer 'magnum' ice creams on sticks, and my old man was defrosting the freezer so thought may as well clean the wrapper (since I didn't always have a chemical fridge and sometimes I do need to freeze stuff of the kind that generally lives in stoppered-up flasks

Lol, I've just scoffed 1x double caramel one, a double coconut one, 3-4 double raspberry ones and one I can't remember what it was called but it was bloody good:autism: and a carefully washed free of traces of certain..things whch will not be mentioned in the public portion of the forum. Scarfed down the whole lot, every last one, one right after the other and now I want more. No. I want MORE! really I could eat an entire big tub right now, for some reason I've a massive hankering or ice cream atm and I really want a tub of that dime bar caramel kind, as well as a big 2/2.5 liter tub of neopolitan (the kind with the three layers, one chocolate, one either banana or vanilla and finally one strawberry. I could eat both in about 5 minutes flat right now. I don't know why but I really crave ice cream.