Whats wrong with spiders?
I like spiders, been looking into how I might get somebody to be able to legally export native ozzy wildlife. I used to have a pet false widow (steatoda spp.), and a brown widow (Latrodectus)
My false widow female had laid eggs, and during a wrongful raid and arrest by the filth, those cunting bastard fucking gobbets of sewage killed the lot.
Anybody here in oz, I will pay a fair pricefor some species of spider. My wanted list:
The GROUND DWELLING spp. of funnelweb (Atrax, I don't really have the space or experience with arboreal spiders to care for Hadronyche appropriately)
What I really am after though, is the eastern mouse spider, Missulena occatoria. Would also pay for M.bradleyi though.
Careful with these guys. Mouse spider venom is similar to funnelweb venom in composition and mode of action, yet the vast majority of bites do not lead to systemic symptoms of envenomation, seems mouse spiders, whilst having potent venom, either deliver relatively little of it, or inflict dry bites.