Hi DD, good to hear from you again.
Had a covid scare recently, but it turned out I was negative.
I'm glad. This thing has all of us chasing our ...
I want it to be over.
My mom, her two surviving sisters and two surviving brothers all tested negative for Covid-19 this week. The youngest brother, my closest uncle - only five years older than I and he has recently had back surgery similar to the procedures I have been considering for a few years is doing great. He was the first to show severe symptoms, but he is fine, now. Still kickin' and with boots on! I admire the man.
I would rather just shoot myself in the head than to be razored at again and have parts of my body sawn out and metal replacement parts installed, but I have way too much first hand info about how that type of solution can affect a family to actually give up to that point and perrform such a selfish act. Not doing it. Not a chance. I am not alone.
I dropped a bit of coin on shop equipment lately and a dust collection system was a priority. What a difference that makes!!
Hope everyone is OK around here. I'll catch up over the winter with missed posts and check in some.