Thinking about a weird dream I had last night.
In the dream, I had a heart attack and died. I was then resurrected on a Friday evening (yes, I got that from the dream!) and ended up leaving a party of some description, carrying my new telescope, still in its box. A friend helped me carry it and we ended up outside a mall that was mostly closed down, on a steep hill. I was worried since I had had a heart attack and died, and knew that my arteries were clogged and I could drop dead again any second. I climbed up and down the hill while my friend remained next to a store with the box.
He decided to open the box and assemble the scope, but he kept dropping the parts and had problems understanding the instructions. The tube was too narrow, which made me very upset and even more worried, so I kept climbing around. There was no way the telescope could have the right aperture.
He finally managed to finish building the thing, but the hill was too steep and we found ourselves on a beach instead, finally testing the scope. That was when I noticed that it was only a cardboard tube and the eyepiece was missing.
What the hell is Freud trying to tell me?