No we are talking about a little girl , pay attention.
A 7 year old girl was given a coupon for a boob job , therefore from a young age she is having plastic surgery rammed down her throat , Of course it is fine for those of legal ages to get boob jobs , but to have it offered to them when 7 is wrong.
How many times do I have to point out that: 1) nothing can be acted upon until this girl is of legal age in the first place. and 2) She can choose when she's 16 to NOT have plastic surgery! this coupon doesn't force her to do anything!
No one's free-will has been infringed upon here. You are on a moral high-horse for no reason at all other than to be a self-righteous fuckwit.
I'm a self-righteous fuckwit because I think it's wrong to give a seven year old girl a coupon for a boob job?
It doesn't matter that she can use it when she is 16 , she IS brainwashing her daughter , if thats the case , then do you apply your point to size zero models?
Why is promotion of size zero models banned? is it not because it influences little girls into starving themselves for a "perfect" figure?
The copuon doesn't force anything and it's not about free will being enforced , it's a terrible mother brainwashing her child with plastic surgery , if you can't see this then you are fucking deluded.
You are claiming to argue one issue while you actually argue two. If this mother was a world-renowned doctor, and the birthday party had been a medicine-themed party, and the gift certificate had been for a prestigious medical school instead of plastic surgery, I don't think that you would argue that the mother is brainwashing her daughter.
There is a difference , promoting plastic surgery as a good thing to a girl of 7 is potentially damaging , a medicine themed party is less likely to damage the child , I don't agree with influencing your child to follow a career , but that over a plastic surgery coupon is FAR better.
Instead of backing up your position on this point when it comes up, Squiddy, you are launching ad hominem attacks on Scrapheap whenever he brings up the idea that there might be a point of view other than yours.
Wrong , very very wrong.
I have backed myself up , read my posts again , and also look at scraps , instead of backing himself up he has twisted words.
Way to ride in on a high horse Semi