
Author Topic: Bullying  (Read 662 times)

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Offline Queen Victoria

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« on: May 08, 2011, 02:27:05 PM »
Wikipedia defines bullying as:

Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person.[13]

Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus defines bullying as when a person is

"exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons." He defines negative action as "when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways".[14]

Before ya'll jump all over me with this thread, it's not meant to be an argument against Intensity's reaction to Pentagram, Meadow, Razor and Meadow.  I honestly do not understand the finer points of bullying, getting back at someone (beyond the immediate reaction to the other's action) and educating someone on the internet.  If there are 5 people posting against a person am I bullying if I add my own less than gracious comments (guilty with Richard and Razor)?  Just because someone is obnoxious does that give me the moral right to go beyond telling them once I don't agree with whatever they're posting? 

Now you know why I signed up as Weakling, I'm still shaky with some of these concepts.

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 02:42:43 PM »
Do you derive any satisfaction from richard being gone?

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 02:56:55 PM »
You listed Meadow twice.
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Re: Bullying
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2011, 03:00:18 PM »
Okay so there is no such thing as innocent bullying. If you are not trying to hurt the person, then you are not bullying them no matter what everyone else says that you are. They're just being dumb.

I can now understand some peoples flawed logic in bullying when they say criticism is bullying or telling them things they don't want to hear. Like someone asks why are people so mean to them and you tell them why by listing them examples of things they do, they accuse you of bullying them. Or you try and help them by telling them what they can do to change so their lives be easier, they think of you as a bully. I guess by their logic, parents bully their children when they correct their behavior or try and teach them things like manners or how to solve problems.

Seriously where do we draw the line for what is considered bullying?

Me going around posting about sinboldly being demodded and banned, bullying?
What about when people get convicted and it goes in the news, bullying?
What about when our country puts a criminal to death, bullying?

After all they all cause pain to the person and to their family because their loved one is being put away and it got aired out for the whole world or nation to see or the whole area but in my air I aired out what happened on WP and none of her family will know about it unless she tells them.

What about when you do comebacks to a bully when they are insulting you, bullying?

What about war, bullying? After all they are both shooting at each other and causing pain so they are both bullies, get it? lol.

Or what about when you have to tell someone something and you know they wouldn't want to hear it but you tell them anyway, bullying?

Or parents who are raising their kids and have to correct them and criticize their behavior, bullying?

Or bosses who correct their employers work by telling them what they are doing wrong, bullying?

In all these situations can cause emotional pain. The person feels bad because they feel like poor workers because they had to get criticized for their work. Kids have to feel bad because their parents had to correct them.

Oh what about when parents have to punish their kids, bullying?

This all explains peoples warped views on bullying.

Yeah I will agree we have bullied Meadow here and a few others because they were douchebags. But they started it first. But do I really want to teach my son to bully back, stoop down to their level? But I don't see how it's any different than doing comebacks to a bully (throwing insults back). But if people want to see that as bullying, fine by me. Same as self defense. I do think doing comebacks is part of self defense.

But what about people who thought they were being bullied so they fight back thinking they are defending themselves, bullying? I have been called a bully for this.

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2011, 03:17:17 PM »
You listed Meadow twice.

thanks for pointing it out.   :thumbup:
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Re: Bullying
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2011, 03:17:51 PM »
The concept of morality is a subjective one. What you see as bullying can be seen as something entirely different to another.

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2011, 03:26:43 PM »
Do you derive any satisfaction from richard being gone?

Yes.  But I regret my (small) part in his leaving.  My postings were meant to embarrass him and I am not proud of them.  I have enough problems in my life that I can't handle without adding hurting people to my conscience. 
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Re: Bullying
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2011, 03:31:29 PM »
Kit, I agree it's a whole fucked-up giant ball of yarn.  Which is why I started the thread. 

I know that occasionally (on more than one occasion) I have slid from correcting my daughter into bullying her.  Now that I am aware of that situation, I do it a whole lot less.  I now do a simple, "You need to (check, look at, clean, etc.).  Simple statement of what I want.

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2011, 03:43:24 PM »
The concept of morality is a subjective one. What you see as bullying can be seen as something entirely different to another.

I thought that it was kind of mean to repost Pentagram's horrible picture on other forums he might want to go to in the future.

I agree that he probably posted it here in the first place in some sort of sick bid for negative attention and that you gave it to him, but IMO you went too far. 

I'm also uncomfortable with people telling him to kill himself.  I understand that he has behaved badly himself lots of times and I'm not trying to defend his bad behavior, by the way.  I hope that he gets the mental health help he needs.


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Re: Bullying
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2011, 03:50:13 PM »
Do you derive any satisfaction from richard being gone?

Yes.  But I regret my (small) part in his leaving.  My postings were meant to embarrass him and I am not proud of them.  I have enough problems in my life that I can't handle without adding hurting people to my conscience. 
Fair enough. That's easy for me to relate. Both situations are very similar and messed up.

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2011, 03:58:10 PM »
The concept of morality is a subjective one. What you see as bullying can be seen as something entirely different to another.

I thought that it was kind of mean to repost Pentagram's horrible picture on other forums he might want to go to in the future.

I agree that he probably posted it here in the first place in some sort of sick bid for negative attention and that you gave it to him, but IMO you went too far. 

I'm also uncomfortable with people telling him to kill himself.  I understand that he has behaved badly himself lots of times and I'm not trying to defend his bad behavior, by the way.  I hope that he gets the mental health help he needs.

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2011, 03:58:17 PM »
The concept of morality is a subjective one. What you see as bullying can be seen as something entirely different to another.

I thought that it was kind of mean to repost Pentagram's horrible picture on other forums he might want to go to in the future.

I agree that he probably posted it here in the first place in some sort of sick bid for negative attention and that you gave it to him, but IMO you went too far.  

I'm also uncomfortable with people telling him to kill himself.  I understand that he has behaved badly himself lots of times and I'm not trying to defend his bad behavior, by the way.  I hope that he gets the mental health help he needs.

It was mean, but if it gets him off the website then so be it. I already explained before during the GA drama that I will go to great lengths to annoy someone.

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2011, 04:00:49 PM »
Wikipedia defines bullying as:

Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person.[13]

Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus defines bullying as when a person is

"exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons." He defines negative action as "when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways".[14]

Before ya'll jump all over me with this thread, it's not meant to be an argument against Intensity's reaction to Pentagram, Meadow, Razor and Meadow.  I honestly do not understand the finer points of bullying, getting back at someone (beyond the immediate reaction to the other's action) and educating someone on the internet.  If there are 5 people posting against a person am I bullying if I add my own less than gracious comments (guilty with Richard and Razor)?  Just because someone is obnoxious does that give me the moral right to go beyond telling them once I don't agree with whatever they're posting? 

Now you know why I signed up as Weakling, I'm still shaky with some of these concepts.

I won't bother with my dictionary's version - as it is very similar anyway to what you quoted.  Instead i will just give you my opinion, on how i see 'bullying'.    I don't think you are a bully if you added your comments in the above scenario,  even if 5 people had already put the boot in.  speaking your mind and telling the truth as you see it is cool.  However, if you got no reply or if you got a feeble apology, and you continued on and on, then it could be seen as bullying.

I say 'could be'  as it rather depends on who you are dealing with.  I think it crosses the line when you actually 'intimidate' the other person.  At what point that is just depends on the type of person they are.

So really,  wether or not you are acting a bully,  is not  just about your actions, but the reaction of the other person.

For the record i don't think Penty is getting 'bullied' here.   I think if you want to be one of the ones to 'dish out shit'  you also should be capable of 'taking shit'  too!  Penty has said and done
some shitty stuff,  and some unbelievably crazy shit.  He should expect the response he is getting.  I just don't want to participate in the response myself.  I think he must be in a very bad way to behave how he has recently.  He sometimes act's like he hates the whole world,  but that recent pic he posted makes me think he really doesn't give a shit about even himself.  He asks for what he gets IMO, but when i see him in effect 'hurting himself'  i just think leave him to it.

blah blah blah


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Re: Bullying
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2011, 04:35:26 PM »
The concept of morality is a subjective one. What you see as bullying can be seen as something entirely different to another.

I thought that it was kind of mean to repost Pentagram's horrible picture on other forums he might want to go to in the future.

I agree that he probably posted it here in the first place in some sort of sick bid for negative attention and that you gave it to him, but IMO you went too far.  

I'm also uncomfortable with people telling him to kill himself.  I understand that he has behaved badly himself lots of times and I'm not trying to defend his bad behavior, by the way.  I hope that he gets the mental health help he needs.

It was mean, but if it gets him off the website then so be it. I already explained before during the GA drama that I will go to great lengths to annoy someone.

Just like a fat bitch. :wanker:

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Re: Bullying
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2011, 05:36:51 PM »
Wikipedia defines bullying as:

Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person.[13]

Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus defines bullying as when a person is

"exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons." He defines negative action as "when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways".[14]

Before ya'll jump all over me with this thread, it's not meant to be an argument against Intensity's reaction to Pentagram, Meadow, Razor and Meadow.  I honestly do not understand the finer points of bullying, getting back at someone (beyond the immediate reaction to the other's action) and educating someone on the internet.  If there are 5 people posting against a person am I bullying if I add my own less than gracious comments (guilty with Richard and Razor)?  Just because someone is obnoxious does that give me the moral right to go beyond telling them once I don't agree with whatever they're posting? 

Now you know why I signed up as Weakling, I'm still shaky with some of these concepts.

I say each to their own. People tend to want to see themselves in best light. I am quite comfortable with my own actions and sleep soundly at night.
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