Peanuts are good. Chipmunks and squirrels also like them. And so does my dog. I can't give my dog too many because then she has chunky poop. Do I get chunky poop? Nope. I guess some things human can digest better than dogs.
Also, did you know that corn kernels are good snack for geese?
I also had some berries. Bears like berries, as well as nuts, so it's as if I ate a bear's meal. Does anyone else ever eat something and imagine they are an animal, or someone from a different time?
Like once I went on a diet of bread and grape juice because I was pretending to eat like someone in the 1500's france (bread and wine). Since I was a vegetarian I couldn't eat meat, and I soon realized that without meat, they would have been severely malnourished.
Sometimes I also eat beans on toast, and drink tea to pretend that I am British.
When I ate fish for a bit, I would eat salmon and pretend I was a bear.