He just called and said he's gonna be 1/2 hour late. He sounds rather similar to the other Josh on the phone...
Oh dear. I hope at least you get a few laughs, this guy sounds a little flaky.
Hey at least he called. Things went ok. Wasn't a totally awkward few hours but I dunno what happens now
At least your date didn't go as badly as this first date I once read about, apparently a
true story: The guy showed up at the girl's house on foot and said, "It's such a nice day,
let's walk to the restaurant!" So they set out and of course it started pouring and they
got soaked. At the restaurant the guy said, "Let's split an entree," then the girl rented
a movie and bought some microwave popcorn (I think the guy was out of money)
and they watched the movie at her place, and then the guy asked for a ride home!