It's quite special having a large negro bouncing past you asking, in German, "alles gut?"
(not sure what the PC phrase for a large, coloured person is)
It might depend on where a person lives but that's not acceptable here. I think nowadays the PC thing to do, is to not even mention someone's race unless it's somehow relevant. 
Probably good advise for stepping upon these shores, these days.
Back in 1992 when I got married, my soon to be brothers in law had not met my Best Man. My wife knew him as my best friend and constant cohort in many endeavors, some even productive on a grander scale. We had never mentioned that he was "black," because as you mention, that fact was never relevant to any conversations we had had.
I have to say there were awkward times that should never have happened. They called my soon to be mother in law aside and asked about the reception and how we had ribs and a lot of southern things in my honor, as a Texan. She just said something along the lines of ... What? Do you think he won't like ribs?
It's a stupid part of behaviors that only show how much farther some have to go to actually become decent Americans.
Yeah, my Best Man is black. I don't think I have ever mentioned that here, either.
I've talked about how he busted his damn leg AGAIN on his motorcycle two days before our wedding, but it was not because he was black so none of that part mattered. His rental suit had to be altered again, though, in order to accomodate the cast. Some stress.
But even more stress in that I had to go find his motorcycle and rescue it to get it home safely where he had lost it in the woods when he got hurt.
Whatever?!? I say!
Sorery for all the typos, folks. Still trying to type one handed.