What's the best book you read? the worst?
For someone who learned to read early,
I'm actually rubbish at it now. I skip around
different passages and often end up failing to finish the story. I liked The Name Of The Rose, by
Umberto Eco, but had to kind of skim over the passages concerned with art and intellect so I could
get through the mystery faster.
I read and finished two suspenseful novels in recent-ish years: Lost Futures, by Lisa Tuttle, and
Drowning Ruth, by Christina Schwarz. A book I've read piecemeal (as it can be read) is
Darkest Hours, a big-ass anthology of great disasters, plagues, and high-mortality tragedies
throughout human history, compiled by Jay Robert Nash. It's gruesome and depressing in places,
of course, but also fills me with admiration for the unsung heroes who emerge in every dark hour.
Worst book? I usually abandon a book at the first hint of boredom, so it's hard to say! 
The Name of the Rose is a favorite of mine. However I want to identify and picture all the monastic terminology. Even Wikipedia hasn't been that much of a help.
I'm partial to Rutherfurd's novels (need to read Paris and New York.) If I could have only one book to read for the rest of my life it would be one of the Harry Potter books.