You should try quince 'cheese' (called that but its basically a quince-based jelly like marmalade) would be even nicer with think strips of candied peel from fresh limes and chunks of candied lime thrown in.
Quinces are generally, in our climate, hard and inedible fresh off the plant, but once processed they make a really delicious jelly preserve. Ever smelled one? they have a distinct, unique scent thats absolutely lovely. If I pass a garden escapee plant, I'll rip off a fruit and crush it just for the smell.
Damson preserve is nice too, theres a park locally where I go to harvest fly agaric mushrooms and peppery boletus in season, but there are, I discovered last year, several damson trees and nobody notices. They are sweet, juicy and succulent just ripped right off the bush and each one you can get several pounds/kg of fruit in an hour, or however long it takes you to fill your shopping bags full of the little mini-plums. A little tartness to them but stiill sweet and juicy. Lovely to grab a few as you harvest and just pop them in your mouth fresh off the stalk, suck the skin and pulp and juice off the stone , squeezing the sizes to split it so you can dig the stone out with your tongue and gob it out.
Glad this thread reminded me, because come the late fly agaric season I'll have to go back and grab some, cook up a few big jars of preserve. It makes for a top notch jam sandwich or PB+J sandwiich, layering it between smooth peanut butter slathered thickly as can be on either side, then a thick layer of home-made damson jam in the middle