Are we cruising on yesteryear's i2 reputations and Aspies intimidated unnecessarily?
Speaking as a newbie here.
It depends on what the goals are. This place can be quite intimidating, and certainly has a reputation on at least one other site where things are much more vanilla / white bread. This reputation seems to be based primarily on past events, but it does seem to me that many of the regular members treasure that reputation and certainly do not try and go out of their way to counter it. The introductions, asking if someone is brave, deriding "sensitivity", etc. The front page also adds to this presupposition.
If the goal is to have a site with a close-knit group of members of like mind who have a lot of fun and create their own community - I think this has been accomplished very well. If the goal is to grow the site with a heterogeneous group composed of multiple personality types (including the "sensitive types") this doesn't seem like the way to do that.