Damn this got long.
Because that, Pyraxis, is a big part of how this place can enable people. You can say your piece here, without having to watch your tongue or wonder how to follow unspoken rules. Sure, people will fight back but isn't that the point? Sure, some have greater language skills than others but what would you expect us to do about that? Censor ourselves? Only use two-syllable words?
Why should this place be different for us?
Been thinking about this. There's still unspoken rules here, like the current one about not talking about people's kids. Which I may have to break at some point if I'm to ever work out the shit with Callaway. I just hold different ones. A different idea of respect. Past that, I'm out to learn - what ways of being encourage what kinds of interactions. You're wrong that I started arguing 'cause Callaway was there, that was just a side perk. I'm in it to learn people in groups. Patterns.
Maybe not because of Callaway but I doubt you would have bothered without it. We've had similar drama before but without Callaway's direct involvement.
If you think I'm out to pat people on the head, you've got me wrong. I'll leave Richard to it now. But I don't regret taking his side for a bit.
And you shouldn't. It makes for an interesting topic.
Guess what? It's not going to happen. I don't keep this place online so that Pyraxis and some others can do what she thinks I shouldn't be allowed to.
Which is what? 
You tell me. You seemed to be basically saying that admins, people of higher IQs, etc, should be measured against some sort of higher standards, take their responsibility and not post what everybody else posts. I'm wrong?
I'm glad to be.
Actually, when did you decide I want you to be not "allowed" to do anything? I said this:
When I interpreted what was in your post. As I said, I'm perfectly happy to be wrong. I'm also perfectly happy to voice my opinions when it suits me, not when it suits you.
People, can you not tell when somebody's beaten? Is it really necessary to grind them into the dirt? Am I idealistic to expect leaders to care more about enabling people than feeding their own already bloated egos?
Nothing about rules or allowances, just ideals and expectations. There's nothing I could enforce anyway - what am I going to do, shout you to death? There's no possible way you could take my thoughts on board unless you agreed with them. So if I talk about how I think leaders should act, so what?
So it's your opinion and you are perfectly allowed to say it, just as I'm allowed to say mine. I'm not going to stop you but I'm also not going to stay silent. See, what's between the lines in your post indicates, to *me*, that as "leaders" us "leaders" (or people of higher IQs, etc) should post according to those higher standards, which, in my humble opinion, is bollocks.
Oh, and I don't buy the "leader" concept, either.