Impressive, Graelwyn.
And I definitely don't want to demotivate you , but I do like the softer look of your face on the overweight picture.
I wasn't overweight at that point... just at the top end of BMI for my height which I really, really hated, especially given most of it was fat.
I know my face gets more drawn when I am training... I just learnt to live with it as I prefer that over a flabby body I cannot stick in any decent clothing without feeling self conscious, lol.
Congrats on your own weight loss. Tomorrow, I hit the boxing stuff again and am doing 1 to 1.
Ahh! so that's what "grim determination " looks like! I probably have the exact same look on my own face, at times

I just read Scappy's comment, and he does have a point. I do get it that it's what
you are comfortable with, but it is certainly possible to overdo it.
Btw, I don't really feel I deserve congrats , now I have the trick of it. I just ignore the conventional l health advice and eat loads of boiled sweets .

Well, Ok , Ok that's a teeny bit over-simplified. I also avoid fat, but then I was getting such nasty reactions to fatty foods when I first lit on this idea, that it's all-too-easy to equate that with being kind to myself.
Actually , I don't much like boiled sweets .

what a waste of a golden opportunity to self-indulge, huh? Why couldn't this happen to somebody who likes the things instead?