Dear Pot,
You seem to have a particular code of conduct yourself, hence why you called Kit out originally. She obviously didn't meet your high standards of internet etiquette / code of conduct and you were calling her out to 'back her words and every insinuation'.
With Love,
Kettle x
Did she though? I think despite you and Saint Phlexor wading in at this point in the game she did and she gave account of herself and under the same situation I would expect nothing less. That IS what you are saying yeah?
I did exactly what I should have done if i disagreed with something here and felt like it deserved a call-out? She as the subject of a callout did what she was supposed to do? Yeah? So Kit has done exactly what my expectations were, right? In the same instance I would do the same?
Well this all seems in line and not at all hypocritical like you trying to allude to. So you have failed in this argument too. No hypocrisy there. Now rather than try to be smart about things because you stuffed up your attempts to be. Why not stop beating around the bush?
Where does that left pot and kettle conversations to yourself?
Phlexor stated his thoughts at the beginning of the thread.
I then came in and saw your usual rant fest back and forth with him, which you are now trying to do with me when I merely stated, I believe that his initial intent was coming from a good place, and you just shit all over it.
Don't bother saying I'm beating around the bush. I've stated my original stance / reasoning, and despite efforts to bring you back to that track you feel you have a 'right to defend yourself' from an attack mentioning your marriage that you felt was unjust. According to YOUR standards.
Likewise, Phlexor made the comment that targetting a pregnant woman who has already had dramas falling pregnant, may be unjust according to HIS standards. And he felt an obligation to at least bring this to your attention in his efforts to 'defend' your attack on Kit.
You didn't even have the balls to acknowledge the link I posted where it is clear Kit was not in a good place. She mentions a meltdown, then Hyke so 'helpfully' informs Kit how to frame her posts and think about what she is saying. 
You know what is even more hypocritical...this rule about 'not attacking someone's family or children' when Phlexor gives you a slight nudge to wake up to yourself, she's pregnant, don't be so is that so different?
Take it as far off track as you want and have a go at me. Someone called you out for a low act, and you couldn't take it when they went low also....and all you had was your schoolboy fat taunts etc to fall back on.
Have not taken it off track at all. The "low act" defined by you and Phlexor calling out Kit.
Now what is not "off-track" is verifying whether or not it is a low act?
Now based on my knowledge then and now I now the following
Kit is pregnant. I know this and any attempt I have made to see whether or not this is an exclusion to argue with her seems to be dismissed by you and Phlex as a valid reason not to call her out. Therefore - no foul - not low.
Phlex said "it is Kit we are talking about". I know this too and was aware of this and don't see this as an exclusion nor low and asking why this would exclude her has again drawn blanks - so no foul - not a low act.
Kit has said that she likes drama and so again no foul not a low act.
Kit has said that she doesn't like people running from arguments or not backing themselves. No foul. Not a low act.
Intensity squared members agree as being on this site to back their claims. I asked this of her and she obliged. No foul not a low act.
Kit has said she does not want special treatment. I agree with her sentiments. No foul not a low act.
Further to this you want me to look at some thread I likely have not seen to give me some hindsight knowledge which may or may not have influenced my decision to call her out. Being that I haven't seen nor had I at the time seen the thread it is superfluous to what we are talking about here.
So taking that out of the equation....where is the low act. I say it simply doesn't exist.
I acted in good faith in what I did and did not get brutal with Kit. I called her out and unless Kit was in some 'protected user group or I was acting on any knowledge of kit that is different from the low act.
So explain to me on the basis of the above the low act.
Now let's have a look at the rest.
Regardless of the callout between me and Kit and involving me and Kit, let's look specifically at Saint Phlexor for a minute.
Regardless of what he felt or his moral righteousness he decided to get personal.
So as to Saint Phlexor vs me, he fired a personal attack and got one back. Not rocket science here to see that my retort did not come out of nowhere and it WAS deserved. Because his attack was personal and was aimed at me. All good. No foul.
You seem to think or suggest at the time that he decides to wade in there and fire off a personal shot that I should either ignore it (because it comes from a good place) or commend him for it. You have rocks in your head if you think this is right.
Anyone trying that shit for whatever reason will cop something of the same nature back at me. Call it "getting my attention" or "nudging me" or downplay it as much as you like Eclair but it was a personal attack and he got it straight back.
Yes he probably justified it to himself and felt some moral high ground. I don't give a shit. I felt it was unjustified and I reacted accordingly and I still say it was right to do so and will always be right to do so. He chose his words and the consequence for chosen words.
"You know what is even more hypocritical...this rule about 'not attacking someone's family or children' when Phlexor gives you a slight nudge to wake up to yourself, she's pregnant, don't be so is that so different?"Ummm...because I was not attacking Kit personally about her family? I dunno is that different? Because i had not insulted Saint Phlexor about his family? Because he wasn't giving me a nudge he was making base personalised accusations about me? Because there was nothing to "wake up from for all I explained above? Hell take your pick Eclair. I am sure in your own code of conduct you will find some moralistic hypocrisy but it makes no sense to me.
As for not having the balls? WTF? What I am saying is that giving me any knowledge AFTER the event that I was not aware about at the time doesn't make the slight difference now does it? Or does it? If so how do you figure? It would be like you telling me now I am so men to Saiint Phlexor and should have let him say whatever he damn well pleases because he has terminal Leukemia and is fixing to die next week ...don't you feel so bad now? Well no. I have no knowledge of this and could not have known and can't feel bad about not having this knowledge to act on and make different choices. (I do hope that is not the truth Saint Phlex. I hope you will be around to make a lot of retarded posts in the future)
I can take any insult thrown at me but will return it too. Always do. What you are suggesting is that I ought not have got personal. You are also saying that his getting personal is fine and mine is not. Furthermore you are saying that he ought to be excluded from being abused back.
So you are doing well here Eclair we have Kit and Saint Phlex on that protected list. Who else should we place on the list?
You are being fucking ridiculous in my honest opinion and taking things waaaayyy too seriously. Again. I expected better of both of you. This is IntensitySquared and as far as I am concerned if you are a member here you are having to back your claims. You both have been her long enough to know this. You should be prepared to back yourself and hold your own. This is not a support forum or a knitting circle. I think at some point you both have forgotten this and have blown shit out of all proportion.
I think the only think I can sensibly suggest is, to grip your shoulders really tightly, and pull with all your might, and see if you can get your head out of your arse. Fuck's sake.