I read that I was going to get banned here, that would be another notch on my belt right there.
A true troll would put notches for forums he trolled successfully without getting banned.
Also, yes, your ISP would care; you'd be in violation of their T&C.
Getting banned is more fun because you know you spited the mods.
And can you tell me a story of someone getting cut off of their Internet access for what they did on it, without having to go to court?
Indeed I can tell you such a story involves a butthurt loser called Timelord and a site which I won't mention. I could tell you of another butthurt emo held in low regard who continually test this with practically every site he goes to. Much success. 15 sites was his last count. Shoot first ask questions after is often the response.
Judy you know nothing about trolling properly so I will spell it out a little clearer to you. Getting banned is piss easy. A complete retard could as shown very clearly by yourself. Go onto most forums and opening up with a barrage of insults in your first post about the forum and its Admin and maybe a few select members will get you banned and there is no great impact on the forum or its Admin or even its membership.
Going on a forum and testing the boundaries in such a way that the membership is split and the teh damage to the forums integrity and the Admin hesitates to ban you and doubts themselves and their gut instinct for an insta-ban is better. Better still is doing what you set out to do and taking down your mark without a ban and making an impact without a ban is better still.