I've been off of them cold turkey since May. I've been doing it secretly. It's been going pretty well.
I did it because my mom verbally abused me for being fat at Christmas when my Seraguel was upped.
I felt hopeless. I knew it was these meds making me fat. My psychiatrist would deny it and refused to assess me meds. She had a sour look on her face when I told her it was my will to get off these and go on natural supplements. my mom was getting pissed at her and wants to look for a new psychiatrist.
Me and my friend Chucki hate that fucking bitch. She gave him sleeping pills that made him anorexic and fall down
and hit his head on the heat register. . He got pissed because of that and went off them and went crazy and ran off in the forest. He used to be really fat and looked like Private Pile from Full Metal Jacket when he was on the Resperadone but they got him off that when he was in psych ward.
That stupid woman doesn't know shit. Shes the meds lady shes not one of us or one of the people who has to live with us and put up with our spazzy shit.
Anti-psychotics made me have an uncontrollable appetite and it wasn't benefiting my behavior problems anymore.
It was making me more psychotic. I was never obese just pudgy and soft and I hated it. I was 144 lbs at Christmas that was the most i've ever weight and now i'm 126 lbs. The fatness these things cause shouldn't just
be looked at as a vanity issue some of these people can gain over fifty pounds being on this stuff.
I feel a purpose in my life, I feel stronger my ambition drive has increased, (sucks with the unemployment in my town though) , I'm more energetic , I'm more enthusiastic about my silk screening business. I feel somehow "free"
I'm less sensitive, less of a cry baby, feel more "spiritually" connected. I feels good. It nice to see muscle tone
in my stomach I have never seen before. It feels nice seeing my strong cheek bones. I feels nice not to be a fat and lazy zombie. It feels nice to have my mind free.
Fuck these meds. They work for some. I believe for some reason they are meant to oppress us.
It's not safe doing it thoguh.......I suggest you don't do what I did. I heard horror stories of people getting off of
Seraqurl XR and ending up on life support. I didn't care at the time. I'd rather be dead.