Regardless of the law, there is right, and there is wrong. What is legal or illegal and what is the righteous way to conduct oneself, and to treat another. I'm sure, that at some point in time since the very first clan of, from a definitive biological, evolutionary point of view, were genetically distinct enough to have speciated fully from apes and the rest of the genus Homo, to be bona-fide H.sapiens, who had no law against taking a one-year old child, and raping the child by brute force.
This is in extremis, to make a point, but what is codified in law does not necessarily equal what is right and what is wrong. The nazis made a lot of laws, and a lot of those laws were pure evil, the murder of men, women and children, and the butchery of those born with disabilities, physical or mental. These things were sanctioned by the Reichsfuhrer himself, but were the laws made by that man and his allies RIGHT?
Or, on the flip side, the benign side of the coin, is sending a man to prison, because he sold another man, a bag of weed worth a twenty pound note, the seller having grown it himself from seed or other means by which he came, depriving no person of their right to their property, and having at no point comitted any violence in his undertakings, and the buyer doing no such thing either, should either be made by force to suffer against their will, deprived of any thing on this earth against their will for participating in the transaction, or use of that weed, enjoying it recreationally, socially, as a medical treatment against chemotherapy sickness and/or cancer pain, or all of the above? in many countries such people would be considered criminals, but does that make them bad people? yet the far more acutely and socially harmful alcohol, which itself can be enjoyed in moderation or occasional drunkenness, but as long as no person harms another, the consumer is not subjected to the threat of force against their person without their consent in full and in perpetuity as long as it may continue, be taken and the taker be a good person, when the act itself, the consumption, wholly remaining victimless, be equal in that it is the intake of an intoxicant for whatever reason the person or people consuming it so choose?
Lex legis sicut scriptum, nullum est legis bonum.