Oh, and Scrap (I know you'll be reading this): care to finally come clean and tell us what you really think about this whole grass on the field thing? I mean, I know Al would love to offer you a few cheap thrills (his words), but you need to be honest with him.
No, better idea. Odeon I know you will be reading this.
Being that the reason for you bringing my family member in to attack me was not only something you have railed and moderated others on, and had NOTHING to do with:
A) "letting me know I had a daughter and was a father"
B) "trying to get me to consider another perspective but internally acknowledging I was a parent of a daughter"
Why did you do this when I questioned the credibility of your expressed ignorance over Scrap's preference for breast size?
Why were the above answers given for this bold-faced lies and transparently ridiculous?
Being that Scrap's prolific posting of photos of big breasted women has NOTHING to do with my daughter, why mention her at all?
Why were you accusing ME of being spineless and dishonest for YOUR inability to honestly answer why you did exactly what you did?