I found a piece of clay that was very old. It was way more than a shard, being almost half a jug. (This was actually last week end.)
I kept it, cleaned it up slightly, realised that it was ancient, and I am considering turning it over to the "Conner Establishment For Antiquities" (a local archeological University study determined to locate all settlers from the eighteen thirties in this general vicinity) just to be safe.
I have never before found anything (other than a few arrow heads, spear heads or coins), that could possibly be considered significant. I may be completely wrong about this thing, but it is definitely OLD AS FUCK and most certainly, handmade.
I was digging down to create a hole for re-planting a beautiful red maple tree that was out of place and a bit too close to the house. Never imagined that my imagination would go this far over a shovel-full of dirt.