There ye'are!
Fent is all over the place in europe so I am told. People dropping like flies when they shoot up expecting H and get fentanyl-laced H instead. Lucky for me, I'm a lot more careful on the occasions I do use H, than
most users, and pretty much 95-99% of street users and the homeless have the knowledge to be.
But couldn't stop myself flyin ying into my cheek with a right fuckin thump, landed right on me after first picking up some speed. Not me, I mean, I wasn't out to pick up no billy, I meant the bike.
was alright. Hurts, but nothing fractured that I know of, and nothing dislocated; as I've still the same range of movement that I had when I went out.
orphine anyway,but made the stuff IR and did about 360-410mgl and not by mouth. That did the trick alright, and I had a crafty pull or two on my H pipes, The ones with that
super-strong stuff leftover from my b/day.It was nor my fault either, but that fucking accursed bike, Not the first time that its done that to me either, fucking rat-bastard thing has almost gotten me killed before, when the brakes wouldn't work at all; neither front nor back and the chain slipped leaving me unable to respond and the stupid twuntmonger of a syphilitic whoreson's diseased, mushroom-riddled oozing vulva pitched me off into the rd where some cretinous inbred fuckmuppet of a driver
came way too close, rounding the corner at an absolutely INSANE speed, didn't signal or anything. the brainless fuckin cryptorchid cuntmongrel, came within nanoseconds of leaving me as meatpaste and that AFTER I'd thrown myself to the side .