Some., antiseizure meds yes, although fat lot of good its done me. Had to take three within about an hour or two, because I'd taken my morning dose as per usual, had a damn nasty, and long duration seizure, myoclonic-atonic type then after ages managed to regain some clumsy, awkward motor control enough to grab the bottle and tip a capsule in my mouth, swallow, which brought me out mostly. Kept twitching and shit, so ended up having to take another. Which means now I am left with nothing, no coverage at all for tomorrow or later today, so I wlll have no choice but to make some myself. Had to take the third and last one I had, in order to get me fully out of the seizure.
For pain meds, had a decent morning dose. No morphine, but a mixture of something average (but with a massive IV rush), dibenzoylmorphine, mixed with dipropionylmorphine, diamorphine's bigger, stronger, longer-lasting, better big sister. Got just enough dibenzoylmorphine left for one dose, just enough to get me through preparation of the palladium catalyst needed to turn the alpha-chloromorphide into desomorphine (aka, in its impure and badly made incarnation, krokodil)
Gabapentin, clonidine and tizanidine, yes, stomach meds haven't needed any.
Otherwise cleaning up some crystal, because I need waking up properly, keep my mind on track whilst I do this catalyst..
And something a bit off the usual, had some of a nootropic (cognitive and memory enhancer), pramiracetam. Thats helped wake me up some too, and assist my shite memory. Right now going to do that dibenzoylmorphine, and go back to my videogame for a little while first, because i am pretty much needing a break after a long spell of work in the ol' skunkworks:P
And ohh nice...just found a bit of....well I'm not quite sure but it can ONLY be one of three things. Morphine, dipropionylmorphine or, much less likely, dibenzoylmorphine. That will do nicely to give the little dibenzoylmorphine some extra welly.