House inspection ren? what, who and why?
Took mine, had a nice big shot of morph a few hours ago, 280-290mg, followed by another 60 shot up, and 10mg controlled release morphine orally. Just making up another shot whilst I search and organize my printed scientific journal article library according to weather the topics are physical chemistry (synthetic I mean), nuclear/particle/quantum physics, biology/microbiology with a separate folder/binder for all my ergot fungus and LSD related journal/forum articles/thread printouts, and lastly, neurobiology/cognitive neuroscience, molecular biology unrelated to the ergot work I'm doing and general toxicology, neuroscience, and medical biochemistry.
Got another the contents 120mg morphine sulfate being ground up in my mortar and pestle, those little tiny bead type controlled release, I love those, better than the 10mg pills as the cap contents do not have an anti-abuse type time release that gels up if water is added to the powdered pills making them too hard to filter, and best used by plugging. The caps on the other hand have fuck all in the way of either anti-abuse (nonexistent) mechanisms and near enough no binder/filler material at all, making them just perfect and easily filtered for booting up the contents or isolating the morph to make dipropionylmorphine, mono- or diacetylmorphine if propionyl chloride or propionic anhydride is unavailable, although I have a good amount of propionyl chloride on the lab shelves at the moment

Been using a lefetamine analog, 1,1-diphenylmethyl)-2-phenethylpiperidine, otherwise known as diphenidine lately, partly recreationally and to improve my creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, its a stimulant, in a sense an amphetamine analog of a distant sort, as well as a dissociative anaesthetic of the NMDA antagonist flavour, although structurally unrelated to the PCP and ketamine family of arylcyclohexylamines that for a a long time were the main NMDA antagonists recreationally used and medically used, although this diphenylmethylpiperidine based compound isn't used medically anywhere I am aware of, but as NMDA antagonists strongly reduce tolerance to both stimulants and opioids, I'm finding it most useful. I figure too that given the mild opioid agonist properties of lefetamine itself, that diphenidine and its methoxy relative methoxphenidine aka MXP, will prove to be opioids themselves in their own right. Diphenidine certainly does substitute well for opioids and IMO would be a great tool in clinical detox use for opioid addicts, to switch over, either fully or partially, and then reduce first the opioid the addict uses, or switch them to a preferred opiate, then slowly taper off, followed by either tapering off the diphenidine or continuing to use it but at a lowered dose.
Lovely stuff it is too. I'm getting FAR more bang-for-buck, metaphorically speaking (although I do not pay for my prescriptions) from my morphine and oxy, can if I run low, switch to diphenidine mostly or even fully, for a few days, drop my tolerance faster than a bucket of diarrhea out of a cholera victim's arsehole, then get my scripts refilled etc, with a newly lowered tolerance, such that a hit of morph/oxy that would have just relaxed and offered pain relief is again enough to flatten me spreadeagled out on the sofa in front of the TV, maybe after a nice fried mushroom supper, and a bowl of hot shiitake and steak chilli for my tea, and some of those delicious sweet and tangy wild bullace plums to nibble on whenever I get peckish.
The diphenidine goes lovely with the new cannabinoid offering from my local head shop, an E-cig refill based on STS-135, a hell of a potent indole-based cannabinoid. Lots of appetite stimulation, which is normally very low in me, creativity, pain relief, get loads of really refreshing sleep.
Will have 100-150mcg of clonidine, a muscle relaxer or two to prevent my leg cramping, plus some diclofenac sprayed on my bad knee, hip and a temporarily sore knuckle joint on one of my fingers, and just before bed, methinks I'll have a sleeping pill, most likely a dose of chlormethiazole/heminevrin. That, along with the morphine (note-be extremely careful mixing sedative-hypnotics and opiates due to respiratory depression risk)
I've of course, carefully built up the dose of sedative until I feel both effective range reached for me, and it being compatible with both my unreduced, pre-diphenidine tolerance level and to my new much lower tolerance/dosage requirement for my morphine and/or oxy.