A bit of a scheme has just started to ferment in me noggin, it's come pay-day for me today, and there is something specific I need by ways of certain chemicals, in particular, an adamantane derivative, because I've been wanting to make myself a batch of memantine.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MemantineAnd I just had a bit of a wizard wheeze, thought, many of the big chinese companies do free samples of merchandise....why not contact them ALL, and get as many free samples as possible and then essentially, be able to run the reaction on a pilot scale for free? a lot of them have minimum orders of 1kg of precursor, so I'm thinking try for 50-100g as a free sample, if I can convince 10 businesses to do that, or 20 if I asked for/got 50g per, then I'd have the kg of precursor I need for free without having to spend a penny.
A little bit naughty of me perhaps, but I'd be telling the truth, it IS for testing on a pilot scale, only thing is, I'm neglecting to mention the fact that a 1kg-scale rxn would last me at least a couple of years.
Might be REALLY cheeky and try and blag myself a liter of free formamide the same way