Knotweed? as in japanese knotweed? that is an irresponsible plant to grow, above most others, considering it probably has no natural predators where you are, and if it does get loose it will probably make your home unsaleable, and ruin the local area. You do realize, if that is the same knotweed, that if it gets loose, you can't just get rid of it, one tiny fragment of rootlet in the soil is all it takes. And to get rid of a SINGLE plant may take measures as drastic as removing hundreds of cubic feet of soil. Its hard to poison, little or nothing will eat it and it spreads like turd in an arse hole factory. Get rid of it while you still can, if you still can. Oh and you can probably get done for allowing it to grow (especially deliberately) on your property. Stuff is a foreign, noxious and extremely persistent, highly invasive plague of a weed.
Reminds me, I need to do my gardening for this year, plant out a poppy crop or five here and there.
Got some khat seeds (Catha edulis) too, plus some belladonna, both the typical purple flowered kind and some thats a pale cream white color morph, even the seeds are pale blonde. I don't of course intend to ingest the belladonna, aside from certain uses in herbal medicine (very small quantities are useful for sickness, nausea and checking excessive nasal running whilst I'm wearing a gas mask, so snce I can't very well adjust it in-situ, a much diluted preparation locally applied could be of service. The khat I really want to get growing though, quite an interesting herb, its chewed, like coca leaf, the fresh leaves and upper shoots, or made into a tea. Tastes like shite, but it contains a natural beta-keto amphetamine, cathinone, plus norephedrine, norpseudoephedrine, and similar alkaloids, and has a stimlant property when chewed and kept between the cheek and gums as a quid. Ethnically speaking, much used amongst somali, kenyans and especially, in yemen much like we might use alcohol down at a pub socially, they chew khat, being forbidden booze as towelheads. Not sure if the seeds are viable still, but one would think given the climate of countries like that the species would evolve to be capable of dormancy for a year or two.