
Author Topic: Thread that GA cannot lock. Debate continued in here. GA's Diaper time...  (Read 3664 times)

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Offline Al Swearegen

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So out of black Hadron?
You mention a lot about what you have done for Autism rights but you know i think you are a twenty something kid with no authority or experience and all this great advocate bullshit is in your head.
I know, I know, it is secretive and so clever that IF I knew about it, I would be impressed. Not buying it and I don't think any here do.
GA somehow is representative of all Aspies? Being Transgendered is in which way related to AS?
What are you on about with your scaremongering. You really are a frightened little mouse aren't you?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline 'andersom'

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Hadron, whilst you are abusing GA, maybe we can address your own issues of abuse.....perhaps that's why you feel the need to start a witch hunt?

Have you ever looked into it's effects on YOUR persona?
Imagine GA telling his story to a Sunday paper. Think it through. Then think how damaging it is to the AS cause.

I so agree here. Lets lock up all ASD persons who are not for the rest looking like the perfect normal citizen.
Blindness, hearing problems, hereditary hip-problems, and, while we're at it, lets lock up all autistics over 50 too. Aging is so horrible. And since age is said to be mostly a matter of the mind, damn, they could have prevented their wrinkles.

Hail to the pedigree perfect aspie.

You rock Hadron. (but not in public)
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Hadron, whilst you are abusing GA, maybe we can address your own issues of abuse.....perhaps that's why you feel the need to start a witch hunt?

Have you ever looked into it's effects on YOUR persona?
Imagine GA telling his story to a Sunday paper. Think it through. Then think how damaging it is to the AS cause.
does GA have an ASD dx?
Yes, from what he says. Could you imagine the article. I can see exactly how it would go down with NT's. Its the sort of thing that needs stamping out, along with the Neurodiversity arguments if we are to be successful. Our cause has to be strongly related to the black rights cause and nothing else if we are to gain legitimacy. A lot of people think we are faking it. With people like GA, who can blame them.

Being aspie and being transgendered are two separate issues, which in some people happen to coexist. I think readers of this hypothetical interview could understand that.
One is a serious situation, another is a self-indulgence. You make it sound as if such an interview will be written up nicely. I am sure the writer will invent a nice and very damaging connection to help us out.

Unless of course we take the sensible option and deligitimise his nonsense before any idiot like him tries to make a meaningful move.

*shrug* How would you "delegitimise" him? Why not just tell your own story and let others tell theirs?
Quite easy - claim he is not a true Aspie. The point is, we need everyone to sing the party line. Otherwise we get nowhere. Think in terms of someone in a political party going against the party line and look at how damaging it always is.

We need a simple, coherent message and for everyone to stick to it. Things will get ugly otherwise.

When one aspie calls for another aspie to be thrown under the bus because of the prejudice of others, things have already gotten ugly.  :thumbdn:

So we should delay or stall for the likes of GA? In the meantime, lots of people with AS are throwing themselves under that bus, having had no control of the circumstances that led them there. Our situation is ugly. People like GA make it uglier and for no good reason apart from their own narcisstic self indulgence and stupidity. At least our comrades will have a choice in life as to whether they have one or not.

Nobody has said anything about delaying or stalling. If you want the world to see aspies you think they will respect and approve of (like yourself), then tell your own story. Even if you are not in the media, be open in your daily life about who you are. Then, if another aspie goes public with a story that you fear will harm the cause, you will have done your part to present a more balanced view. People who know you will say, "No, they're not all like so-and-so who was in the Sunday paper; I know an aspie, and he's completely different."
You obviously don't have a clue about political reality. Any story like GA's needs to be disowned on the spot. It would be very difficult to actually defend publically.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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So out of black Hadron?
No. Need I be?
You mention a lot about what you have done for Autism rights but you know i think you are a twenty something kid with no authority or experience and all this great advocate bullshit is in your head.
I know, I know, it is secretive and so clever that IF I knew about it, I would be impressed. Not buying it and I don't think any here do.
GA somehow is representative of all Aspies? Being Transgendered is in which way related to AS?
What are you on about with your scaremongering. You really are a frightened little mouse aren't you?
I have nothing to prove. The picture I paint is very real. GA and people as deluded as him are a problem and one that needs to be dealt with. Particularly this neurodiversity nonsense.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Hadron, whilst you are abusing GA, maybe we can address your own issues of abuse.....perhaps that's why you feel the need to start a witch hunt?

Have you ever looked into it's effects on YOUR persona?
Imagine GA telling his story to a Sunday paper. Think it through. Then think how damaging it is to the AS cause.

I so agree here. Lets lock up all ASD persons who are not for the rest looking like the perfect normal citizen.
Blindness, hearing problems, hereditary hip-problems, and, while we're at it, lets lock up all autistics over 50 too. Aging is so horrible. And since age is said to be mostly a matter of the mind, damn, they could have prevented their wrinkles.

Hail to the pedigree perfect aspie.

You rock Hadron. (but not in public)
This is such a facile comparision. Transgenderism is pure fantasy, not only in my eyes, but in the eyes of the rest of the public too. And rightly so. It does not need legitimising. It needs people to be put in their place and to except their own reality.

Having delusional people running around claiming to represent us undermines the cause. Stop trying to pretend otherwise.

Offline odeon

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There is no "us", silly. Not out there, not IRL. Never was, never will be. Just a bunch of spazzes with a dx going a long way to explain why there won't ever be an "us".

You'll never represent me.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Adam

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i'm not reading thru all this shit unless there's something new in it, which i'm guessing there isn't

being trans (or gay, bi, whatever) has nothing to do with whether somone has AS or not

i don't feel that by being trans i'm taking something away from other autistic people - but tbh, even if i was, wouldn't it be the homophobia/transphobia of people like you that's causing the problem? not the being gay/being trans itself

as for GA, i think she is pretty fucking brave tbh and i admire that

Offline 'andersom'

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Hadron, whilst you are abusing GA, maybe we can address your own issues of abuse.....perhaps that's why you feel the need to start a witch hunt?

Have you ever looked into it's effects on YOUR persona?
Imagine GA telling his story to a Sunday paper. Think it through. Then think how damaging it is to the AS cause.

I so agree here. Lets lock up all ASD persons who are not for the rest looking like the perfect normal citizen.
Blindness, hearing problems, hereditary hip-problems, and, while we're at it, lets lock up all autistics over 50 too. Aging is so horrible. And since age is said to be mostly a matter of the mind, damn, they could have prevented their wrinkles.

Hail to the pedigree perfect aspie.

You rock Hadron. (but not in public)
This is such a facile comparision. Transgenderism is pure fantasy, not only in my eyes, but in the eyes of the rest of the public too. And rightly so. It does not need legitimising. It needs people to be put in their place and to except their own reality.

Having delusional people running around claiming to represent us undermines the cause. Stop trying to pretend otherwise.

You know, "normal" people, neurotype way of normal I mean, come in all kinds of flavours and colours. They can be black, white, yellow, freckled, female, male, something inbetween, they can be attracted to women, to men, to no-one. They may like sex, they can be abhorred by it. They come severely overweighted, and horribly anorexic. And they all get a vote in a democracy. They all have their say. They all count.

How do you want to take them to take us, of a different neurotype, serious, if you discard a whole range of how we can be. And thus, discard a whole range of them too.

Yes, you find it a facile comparision. That is where you miss the point.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 03:53:00 PM by hykeaswell »
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Christopher McCandless

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There is no "us", silly. Not out there, not IRL. Never was, never will be. Just a bunch of spazzes with a dx going a long way to explain why there won't ever be an "us".

You'll never represent me.
Its about a cause rather than representation. It is about the rights of people with AS not to be discrimated against unduly in all aspects of their life for having it. That is a cause that all of us should agree on. What is left to agree is how we get there. Having the right people in play doing the right things makes it all more likely.

People like GA are sending us backwards.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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i'm not reading thru all this shit unless there's something new in it, which i'm guessing there isn't

being trans (or gay, bi, whatever) has nothing to do with whether somone has AS or not
Not quite true - for arguments I made in the other thread when Eclair claimed there was a link. But it is not relevant really to the argument that I am making. The point is that people like GA are trying to invent a link that does not exist through the neurodiversity nonsence.
i don't feel that by being trans i'm taking something away from other autistic people - but tbh, even if i was, wouldn't it be the homophobia/transphobia of people like you that's causing the problem? not the being gay/being trans itself

as for GA, i think she is pretty fucking brave tbh and i admire that
Phobia? No. Its people just not prioritising your demands and rightly so. The real world is that people with AS also deciding to be trans or whatever makes the argument more difficult. Their lifestyle choice should not be in the way of the needed changes happening for an actual legitimate cause.

You and GA both need to deal with reality, rather than the world as you want it to be.

Offline Adam

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huh? i think i have a pretty good grip on reality tbh

again, i don't see how my being trans in any way harms non-trans autistic people. just like aspies who are fat, ugly, dyslexic, short or bald aren't harming me

i don't expect anyone to place my rights as a transgendered person above the rights of non-trans people. what demands am i making that are gonna n any way harm non-trans people (autistic or not)?

btw no one decides to be trans (unless by trans you mean cross dressers etc)
the only decisions a trans person makes are about whether or not to be open about it or hide it

Offline Adam

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also the homophobia/transphobia cop-out of "it's not xxx-phobia coz i'm not scared of you" doesn't really work here hadron. you clearly are scared of gays/trannies as you have some insane idea that we're a threat to you. sounds like a phobia to me  :zoinks:


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Its about a cause rather than representation. It is about the rights of people with AS not to be discrimated against unduly in all aspects of their life for having it. That is a cause that all of us should agree on. What is left to agree is how we get there. Having the right people in play doing the right things makes it all more likely.

People like GA are sending us backwards.
If you're really fighting a cause, some political correctness might be in order. Yes, blind leading blind here. Your last sentence contradicts your first one. It is about representation, and would bet everyone here has encountered someone online who they wouldn't want to see as a representative of the autistic spectrum. Your views are no doubt yours, but if you layed off the offensive attacks someone might hear the rest of what you're saying. Most of the people you have been fighting with here have stated sexuality and ASD are two different things. Isn't that what you're saying? You think they should be separate? You don't want them mutually represented? Maybe the point was missed yesterday on this end.


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My my...Isn't this a delicious thread?  :clap:

does GA have an ASD dx?

Dunc's Law?

as for GA, i think she is pretty fucking brave tbh and i admire that


Carry on. This is most educating. Mostly I just want to see how far Hadron will really sink.  :lol:

Offline SleepyDragon

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"I just want to see how far Hadron will really sink." Doing a damned good job so far, GA. These are all assertions that he has made in this thread alone.

... all [gay people] have to do is tell a simple lie.
Because telling the truth is soooo overrated. It does nothing for your credibility.

How dare [gays] take up political time on things like the right to give blood, which has no real impact on peoples lives
Tell that to someone who depends on blood donations in order to continue living.

[For people such as Galileo Ace to speak of their own life experiences and struggles is] the sort of thing that needs stamping out, along with the Neurodiversity arguments if we are to be successful.
Because the right to speak freely about yourself and your beliefs is just soooo overrated. Almost as bad as telling the truth as you perceive it.

[Instead of trying to win support for neurodiversity] (w)e need one simple demand and its best we use the symmetry with the black rights movement to do it.
What if black people decide that those aspie & autie spazzes make them look ridiculous, and try to discredit us?

... take the sensible option and deligitimise his (sic) nonsense before any idiot like him (sic) tries to make a meaningful move.
Because silencing any fellow aspie who doesn't agree with you is such a principled way to fight.

It needs to be done very carefully. The problem is we have to do something on the way to get bad cop in place. We end up with the very real concern of someone overenthusatic taking things too far. Then we lose control. We could easily end up with an army of Unabombers or worse. The problem is whoever plays bad cop will have people over-executing their decisions and jumping the gun. We know what some of our lot can be like. Keeping them in line will be difficult.
The party apparatchik's worst problem is not the political opposition, but the True Believers from his own side who actually believe all that bullshit about autonomy, and justice, and freedom.

... we get no right of reply on other peoples assumptions.
The hell we don't. The fact that I choose to continue living is, by itself, a big gob of spit in the eye of other people's assumptions.

Quite easy - claim he (sic) is not a true Aspie. The point is, we need everyone to sing the party line. Otherwise we get nowhere. Think in terms of someone in a political party going against the party line and look at how damaging it always is.

We need a simple, coherent message and for everyone to stick to it. Things will get ugly otherwise.
Our lives as a party campaign? With discipline, rules, and threat of punishment or expulsion for non-compliance? What an incredibly impoverished way of looking at the matter.

Transgenderism is pure fantasy, not only in my eyes, but in the eyes of the rest of the public too. And rightly so. It does not need legitimising. It needs people to be put in their place and to except their own reality.

Having delusional people running around claiming to represent us undermines the cause.
What's wrong with the idea of letting people speak for themselves? No one is telling you that you must believe them.

It is about the rights of people with AS not to be discrimated against unduly in all aspects of their life for having it. That is a cause that all of us should agree on.
I think we're old enough and ugly enough to figure out what our own priorities ought to be.