When i was a teenager I had 4 adult teeth removed because im one of those people who've been blessed/cursed with too many teeth in his mouth. So there was no room for the wisdom teeth to come later on life so an orthodentist figured that if i had 4 adult teeth removed one on top bottom left and right side that it should be alright and there will be enough room for the wisdom teeth to come through.
What has happened now i have my wisdom teeth all out. My top gum is fine no problems. With my bottom one it is more crowded and my front 4 teeth are jagged despite braces as a teenager due to the lack of room on the gum. This wisdom tooth on the left hand side has started to come out more and its alot bigger then I thought it would be. The growth pain was absolutely horrendous I was in agony around thursday morning i never knew wisdom tooth pain could get that bad. the left hand side of my bottom gum was swollen quite from it its gone down now, but this bigger tooth is putting alot of pressure on the other teeth in my bottom gum along which are already squashed up. So im currently on 900 mg of asprin every 4 hours not so much for the pain now its stopped growing but just to alleviate the horrid feeling of tension thats in my mouth at the moment. My dentist can't fit me into have an x-ray till october time unless the other wisdom tooth grows like this one did the otherside of my mouth then its going to be an emergency. They may have to remove one or both my wisdom teeth along my jaw line but it may be the room they made from the 4 removed teeth should be enough