whining to Cal?
It was actually me who mdae that thread, but anyway, it wasn't asking him to come over here to help us kick your ass (neither did I ask milla for "help" either - I showed her a post of yours which I thought she'd find funny - I do that with lots of things)
I told Cal to come back here becuase I thought he would enjoy the drama, not because I thought either of us needed any help
How does she go "through friendship after friendship" btw? Yeah she's fallen out with people who she used to be friends with, but if you look at it properly, you'll probably find that had a lot to do with the other person being a shitty friend
I also think it's interesting that you almost played the AS card there with the whole "socially illiterate" thing... Why don't you just go the whole way and tell her to fucking off, the big nasty NT

I mean come on, socially illiterate and drama-queen/manipulator/attention-whore are hardly mutually exclusive now, are they? Plenty of aspies fit those descriptions too. And I could sit here and pick apart all your long posts full of snarky comments and sneaky insults and say that's kinda shitty because I often misunderstand those thing myself. To me, you seempretty manipulaive yourself, but then maybe I'm just misunderstanding you because I'm socially illiterate
You're really pathetic Les, following her around replying to posts she made days ago (no I don't mean this thread). You're the same age as my dad yet you're even more childish than I am when it comes to forum arguments