Author Topic: Only in America..  (Read 1106 times)

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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2009, 12:57:06 AM »
"i keep a shotty in the shower in case you want to shoot me while im shitin'" -biggy smalls
feix ma spellan. ai nide halp. coz i caent duet.


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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2009, 03:19:15 AM »
Why don't ya all just shoot each other and be done with it  ::)

Offline Adam

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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2009, 03:21:29 AM »
If I had a loaded gun in my house I would probably have used it on someone by now

It would take me a while to get hold of a gun around here though, and in that time I usually calm down :2thumbsup:

Offline Alex179

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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2009, 09:09:40 PM »
Why don't ya all just shoot each other and be done with it  ::)
Too many people, not enough time.   That and those damn consequences.
:P   Internets are super serious.


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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2009, 09:14:55 PM »
Why don't ya all just shoot each other and be done with it  ::)
Too many people, not enough time.   That and those damn consequences.

Better yet, Binty and Soph could have a pistol duel at 5 feet.  ::) :laugh: :LOL:

Offline Alex179

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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #35 on: December 07, 2009, 09:15:36 PM »
Why don't ya all just shoot each other and be done with it  ::)
Too many people, not enough time.   That and those damn consequences.

Better yet, Binty and Soph could have a pistol duel at 5 feet.  ::) :laugh: :LOL:
Shotgun duel at 3 feet.
:P   Internets are super serious.


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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #36 on: December 07, 2009, 09:17:19 PM »
Why don't ya all just shoot each other and be done with it  ::)
Too many people, not enough time.   That and those damn consequences.

Better yet, Binty and Soph could have a pistol duel at 5 feet.  ::) :laugh: :LOL:
Shotgun duel at 3 feet.


Blunderbuss's at 6 inches!!! :rofl:

Offline normal_impaired

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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #37 on: December 07, 2009, 09:33:54 PM »
"i keep a shotty in the shower in case you want to shoot me while im shitin'" -biggy smalls

Thanks Biggy, now I know that if you're taking a shit, and I'm closer to your shower, you ain't got a chance.
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Offline Buzz Killington

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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2009, 04:05:02 PM »
Funny, I thought guns were designed to throw a chunk of lead down a long tube in as straight a line as possible, but what could I know, I only have a degree in the subject...


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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2009, 05:03:57 PM »
I don't really get why some people are blindly against them. Sure in the wrong hands they can do harm, but in today's world especially in the dangerous areas, it's essential that you have one for self-protection. If bint lived in such a dangerous area without a gun, she will more likely be burgled at gunpoint, raped and either beaten or shot dead. She would be completely defenseless and basically handing them everything on a silver plate.

If where I am was more dangerous and guns were legalised, I'd get one without a 2nd thought. Thankfuly gun crime in Ireland is uncommon and where I am is fairly quiet, so I have no need of them at this very moment.

Ban conventional weapons and humans will just find more inventive and possibly more destructive ways to kill one another. No guns? Use knives! No knives? Use planks of wook with nails! No planks of wood with nails? Grind their faces down with a handheld sander! You can't take that violent streak from us. :zoinks:

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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2009, 05:35:40 PM »
Me, I'd rather not get killed at all thank you very much  :zoinks:  Just to humour you though, using a pickaxe or a knife introduces a personal element that a lot of people wouldn't be willing to deal with, not to mention such attacks are also probably less likely to be fatal.  It's easier to be detached and make a hasty decision with a gun while knives and such are messy.  Not to mention axes and knives do have other intended uses.  Guns don't.  Which brings me back to my main point.

You've got something there Bint.

The farther the distance from the one aimed for, the less it looks like killing, and the more it looks like a computer game. Playing 'god' with real lives. that don't look real.
I don't know how effective a gun, pistol or revolver will be in a fight in a busy environment, or when threatened in a crowd. You can't do the distant thing in a crowd, and aiming for the right person is hard then.

On the other hand, when really going beserk, I don't think there is a personal element in stabbing someone with a knife either. It's just blind furious rage then. And a bystander can be hurt easily too then.

I'm not favouring guns. I do find gun statistics intriguing though. What does it say, when percentage of gun owning in Canada is not that much lower than in the US, but the percentage of gun casualties is a lot lower?

BTW. Heard today that the UK is the most violent nation in the world. Even beating South Africa. I was amazed.
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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #41 on: December 12, 2009, 12:40:51 AM »
"i keep a shotty in the shower in case you want to shoot me while im shittin'" -biggy smells


... And yes, I am puerile sometimes. :P


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Re: Only in America..
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2010, 06:35:25 AM »
Why don't ya all just shoot each other and be done with it  ::)
Too many people, not enough time.   That and those damn consequences.

Yup, those cowardly laws. In the Viking days killing people was perfectly legal. Instead of courts we had blood feud. And every free man kept a sword, of course! :arrr: