You piss me and others off with this lack of contempt
Like who? Probably not anyone we give a shit about. There are people here I like. There are people here I don't like. I'm hardly destroying the board becuase I'm spammy and argue with people I dislike. Not very intense if you can't handle that, is it?
Pages of you and Bint talking up how unreasonable Odeon is for not putting this site at risk.
So anyone who ever disagrees with odeon is in the wrong? Go and suck his cock some more Les
Dogspam. Why not gives everyone the shits and we all have had enough of that furball but who cares? You don't.
I did the dog spam because of your constant comments about me posting too many pics of my dog. I found it funny myself. Yes, I realise it probably annoyed a lot of other people, but I]m sure it didn't take them long to get rid of the posts.
Attacking members on the board and their wife? Why not? No respect.
What's wrong with attacking members on the board if they attack me first? I never attacked his wife personally. I've never even seen a picture of her. I said the kinda woman who'd go for him is probably not the kinda woman I'd want, but that I could get a woman like that if I wanted
Yet...we are supposed to give you some kind of preferential treatment.
Says who?
We are supposed to suck it up and not react.
Not react to what? What were we doing wrong before this big argument started? Nothing, iirc
You like spamming you animals every fucking where and I am sick of it.
You made comments about my dog BEFORE I did the dog spam. And any pics I posted of my dog before then were not spam. I might post them a lot, yes. But it wasn't spam until then.
You being transgendered? Who gives a shit? Why do you?
Because transphobia is a real problem. And the double standards are sickening - you wouldn't have got away with a post like that aimed at someone's race or even sexuality.
Are you or are you not transgendered? Do you feel comfortable enough in your gender (irrespective of whether it was the one you were born or socialised in) or not. Ditto about the sexuality.
Yes I am transgendered. What does sexuality have to do with this? When were we even talking about sexuality? But for the record yes I am perfectly comfortable with my sexuality.
How much reaction do you think I would get saying to (for want of a better example) Callaway, "Callaway you are a man and you are into girls, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk"? Or how much do you think I would react you doing the reverse to me? Why the fuck is it such a crime I do it to you?
Are you really this stupid? Of course it's different when you say it to someone who IS actually transgendered, because it's nothing but a joke if you say it to anyone else. Calling me a girl or princess etc etc doesn't bother me (although I do find it kind of childish I admit) - what about that massive long trans post you made on zomg though? That wasn't just taking the piss. That was downright nasty. Bullying imo. Crossed the line.
You can call me a girl and she all you like. A lot of people on these sites do. Actually a lot of people IRL do as well, so that doesn't get at me. What does bother me is the transphobia in general, as even if it;s aimed at me directly, it's about trans people in general, and the way it was written was pretty fucking disgusting really
Your OCD. Welcome to the land of Spazzes. We all have our issues it comes with the territory. A lovely part of being on the spectrum is a lot of super special co-morbid conditions that we all have. You are not special here. I have them and so do you and if you do a quick show of hands you will find pretty much everyone does. Yet that is somehow out of bounds, huh?
Never said other people didn't. I don;t think it;s right to try and trigger people's mental illnesses no matter who or what they are. Nothing about ME personally.
Throughout you play the victim and if need be lie.
Why would I play the victim? I don't give ashit what most the people here think about me, so what would I get out of that? I say it how I see it, and if you interpret that as me playing the vitcim then ok. Lie though? Give me an example. Yeah, back up what you say, bitch.
You take little responsibility for what you do and occasionally apologise for what you have done without thinking about changing your general behaviour. You apologised for the DogSpam because at that particular time you thought it would make you look reasonable. Have we seen the last of the Dogspam? I doubt it.
I'm not gonna spam any more like that. I will still post pictures of my dog if I want to. Try and stop me. But I'm not gonna spam them like I did that ONE time. And no I don't do it to look reasonable. Most of the people on this site are on your "side" with this and aren't gonna change their mind. The few that agree with me already know what's gonig on here. So why would I try and "look" anything. To make people like me? Yeah right.
It is interesting that others say that you and Bint ought to just screw each other and get it over with. Bint is an admitted Pansexual and as such is attracted to the personality and not the bodily form. I think that your chances to get laid are great. Not only that but assuming Lily, Flo and your tortoise have a good personality I think it could be a life changing occasion for you all.
lmfao Holy shit you still don't even understand that do you? Even after we explained it to you? Who the fuck has ever said pansexuality means not being attracted to the "bodily form"??!v :lol:
Pansexuality means the ability to like men, women, male, female, trans, intersex etc, regardless of sex or gender. Not regardless of how they look at all.
What? Is this the bit where you pretend you can't read what I wrote? You are useless to this forum Soph and I think you know this.
Aww I'm gonna go and cry now Les